ESSnet Culture Statistics KO Meeting P. Jacques


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Presentation transcript:

ESSnet Culture Statistics KO Meeting P. Jacques ESSnet KO Culture

A network of several ESS organisations aimed at providing results that will be beneficial to the whole ESS ESSnet criteria Several partners. Results to non-participating countries Issues of European interest Compatible with the 5 Year Programme Cost-effective (avoid duplication) Knowledge sharing, innovation, harmonisation Sustainability ESS organisations mainly involved 16-Oct-09 ESSnet KO Culture 2

Methodological activities. ESSnet objectives Methodological activities. development of tools for a specific phase of statistical production drafting of guidelines establishment of standards improving data quality testing new methods of gathering or producing information Etc.. Provided that there is substantial methodological and development work 16-Oct-09 ESSnet KO Culture 3

General implementation Duration: 2 years – Starting 1/9/09 Total cost: 555.555,57 – Funding 500.000 (90%) Organisation Ministry of culture (LU) Ministry of culture and communication (FR) Czech Statistical Office (CZ) Statistics Estonia (ES) Ministry of education, culture and science (NL) Timing of tasks (Gantt chart) ?? Tasks/Work Packages (How the work is split and results) Management (Project, relation with Eurostat) Dissemination towards the ESS (How are results transferred?) Adequacy to specific ESSnet criteria 5, 6 and 7 Contribution to knowledge sharing, innovation and harmonisation and plans for the use and dissemination to the ESS (What is the added value for the ESS) Sustainability (What happens next?) ESS partnership (Sub-contracts?) 16-Oct-09 ESSnet KO Culture 4

WP Management (Project, relation with Eurostat) The management task should include sub-tasks linked to the organisation and coordination of the partners: organisation of the meetings; producing contractual deliverables; monitoring the different tasks; identification of problems and ways to overcome them; gathering cost statements; transmission of deliverables; continuous contacts with Eurostat; quality assurance/risk management; governance: steering group, user groups, etc. 16-Oct-09 ESSnet KO Culture 5

WP Dissemination towards the ESS (How are results transferred?) Disseminate and exploitation of results in interest of the ESS. Training activities for the participants and the ESS should be planned directly related to the action. Examples of dissemination task Publications (books and articles in journals, policy briefs) Presentations to committees (ESSC, DIME, etc.) Participation and organisation of conferences, workshops Luxembourg (Nov 2009 - July 2011) Handbooks or manuals for implementation Guidelines, training, wiki… Project website ?? linked to ESTAT portal and ESTAT wiki Support to other projects Development of tools made available as open source 16-Oct-09 ESSnet KO Culture 6

Follow-up of ESSnets Depending on the importance and duration of the project Steering group: Eurostat staff members from the interested units + one member of the ESSnet (preferably the coordinator) at least one member of the ESS not participating in the project (+ eventually, external experts) For continuous monitoring + mid-term and final evaluation. To assure knowledge transfer and dissemination A responsible staff member from Eurostat unit in charge to be designated for follow-up and good execution of the project. Continuous information and involvement of the network of methodologists for validation/support/advice and transfer of results to other domains/areas. Report to Directors Group, and ESSC on proposals retained, agreements signed and results (preliminary/final) Final review Quarterly, mid-term and final reports plus key deliverables. Intermediate (31/8/2010 - template available) and final report (draft) Quarterly reports ?? (template) Cost statement 16-Oct-09 ESSnet KO Culture 7

Role of the coordinator (1) There is only one coordinator The coordinator has full responsibility to ensure that the project is implemented according to the grant agreement. the technical and financial management of the action, except where specifically stated otherwise in the grant agreement; All communication between the co-partners and the awarding authority is done through the coordinator. Be responsible for supplying all documents and information to the Commission which may be required under the agreement, in particular in relation to the requests for payment. The co-ordinator shall not delegate any part of this task to the co-beneficiaries or to any other party 16-Oct-09 ESSnet KO Culture 8

Role of the coordinator (2) The coordinator shall inform the co-partners of any event which could be affect the implementation of the action; inform the awarding authority of transfers between items of eligible costs; establish the payment requests on behalf of the partners, detailing the exact share and amount assigned to each partner; ensure that all the appropriate payments are made to the co-partners without unjustified delay shall inform the awarding authority of the distribution of the EU financial contribution among co-partners and of the date of transfer of funds to its associates The coordinator is responsible, in the event of audits, checks or evaluations, for providing all the necessary documents, including the accounts of the co-partners, originals or certified copies of the original accounting documents and certified and signed copies of sub-contracts. 16-Oct-09 ESSnet KO Culture 9

Role of co-partner/co-beneficiaries The co-partners shall participate in the project to which they contribute financially; shall agree upon appropriate arrangements between themselves for the proper performance of the action. The partners are encouraged to conclude an internal co-operation agreement regarding their internal operation, financial responsibilities and co-ordination. forward to the co-ordinator the data needed to draw up the reports, financial statements and other documents provided for in the agreement including its annexes; ensure that all information is provided to the awarding authorities via the co-ordinator, except where the agreement specifically stipulates otherwise; inform the co-ordinator immediately of any event liable to substantially affect or delay the implementation of the action; inform the co-ordinator of transfers between items of eligible costs; provide the co-ordinator with all the necessary documents in the event of audits, checks or evaluations. 16-Oct-09 ESSnet KO Culture 10

Eligible Costs Criteria incurred during the duration of the action, with the exception of costs relating to final reports and certificates on the action’s financial statements and underlying accounts connected with the subject of the grant agreement and they are indicated in the estimated overall budget of the action; necessary for the performance of the action covered by the agreement; identifiable and verifiable, in particular being recorded in the accounting records of the partner and determined according to the applicable accounting standards of the country where the partner is established and according to the usual cost-accounting practices of the partner; Ex: Costs of meetings in Prague must be paid by Lux partner Id. for subcontractor CZ comply with the requirements of applicable tax and social legislation; are reasonable, justified, and comply with the requirements of sound financial management, in particular regarding economy and efficiency 16-Oct-09 ESSnet KO Culture

Eligible costs categories (1) staff assigned to the action permanent or temporary staff employed by the partners provided that this does not exceed the average rates corresponding to the partner's usual policy on remuneration An effective time-recording system (a system which certifies the reality of the hours worked) is a requisite for the eligibility of the costs - Working time to be charged must be recorded throughout the duration of the action (contemporary registration needed) by any reasonable means (e.g. timesheets). indication of number of working days per year Number of days in the year 365 Weekends -104 Annual holidays -25 Legal holidays -15 Illness/other -11 Workable days in a year 210 the salary costs of personnel of national administrations are eligible to the extent that they relate to the cost of activities which the relevant public authority would not carry out if the project concerned were not undertaken 16-Oct-09 ESSnet KO Culture

Eligible costs categories (2) Travel and subsistence costs directly linked to the project clearly identifiable and pertaining to the implementation of the action based on the real costs incurred Travels outside EU should have prior agreement of the Commission unless refered to in the technical proposal In case the partner has no usual practices on travel costs, the travel and subsistence allowances for staff taking part in the action shall not exceed the scales approved annually by the Commission 16-Oct-09 ESSnet KO Culture

Eligible costs categories (3) Purchase cost of equipment Only the portion of the equipment's depreciation corresponding to the duration of the action and the rate of actual use for the purposes of the action may be taken into account by the Commission. Partners shall inform the Commission about their internal rules on depreciation of equipment partner must detail in the "application form" the price of purchasing of the equipment, the rule of depreciation and the rate of actual use for the purposes of the action equipment expenses = (A / B) x C x D A = duration in months during which the equipment has been used within the framework of the project B = depreciation period C = real cost of the material excluding VAT D = percentage of use of the equipment on the project 16-Oct-09 ESSnet KO Culture

Eligible costs categories (4) Costs of consumables and supplies provided that they are identifiable and assigned to the action cost of consumables and supplies supported by the co-ordinator for to the management of the project or dissemination costs are eligible if they can be identified Costs entailed by other implementation contracts costs of subcontracting or provision of services as part of the action (consultancy fees, provision of external staff, hire of material or specific equipment, production of documents, studies, etc.). Core elements of the project cannot be subcontracted The partner must, at least, be in a position to demonstrate that he has chosen the subcontractor offering the best value for money in compliance with the principles of transparency and equal treatment of potential contractors and taking care to avoid any conflict of interests . National public bodies have to follow their national public procurement rules Extensive explanations are necessary when the value of the subcontract exceeds 20% of the total estimated value of the action (in 2010: value per partner!) external experts or consultants who work on the action and are fully paid by the partner on the basis of an invoice shall be considered as a subcontracting cost 16-Oct-09 ESSnet KO Culture

Eligible costs categories (5) Any other direct costs dissemination of information, specific evaluation of the action, audits, translations, reproduction, cost of events organised by partners in the context of the action costs for participation of National Statistical Institutes not participating in the ESSnet project to conferences or training events organised by the ESSnet partners and costs for participation to events organised by third parties, etc.) subject to the prior written approval of the Commission specific costs incurred by the co-ordinator for fulfilling his responsibilities in his capacity of body responsible for the overall management of the action and the coordination of the co-partners Costs relating to the preparation of final technical and financial reports and costs relating to audit certificates but not later then the date required for submitting the final report as determined in the grant agreement 16-Oct-09 ESSnet KO Culture

Commission grant Maximum amount of any grant is the total amount of actual eligible costs Co-financing is obligatory Co-financing is 10% The minimum requirement co-financing applies only at the project level. Similarly, the budget must be balanced at the project level, not at the level of each individual partner. Estimate of costs and income All costs must be given in euro and should exclude value-added tax (VAT), unless the applicant can show that he is unable to recover it according to the applicable national legislation The pro rata rule requires that, where actual allowable expenditure is less than the estimate of action costs, the Commission grant will be limited to the percentage indicated in the agreement. 16-Oct-09 ESSnet KO Culture

Payments Pre-financing Final Payment Will not normally be made for Community contributions of less than EUR 100 000. where applicable, 40% of the amount of the grant awarded. Automatic after signature of the contract. Final Payment A copy of the final situation of the income and expenditure for the action, certified as being true and correct by a duly authorised representative of the co-ordinator, is to be submitted within the deadline laid down in the agreement (normally 45 days). Actual expenditure and income shown in the financial statements in national currency are converted into Euros at the exchange rate established by the Commission and published in the Official Journal of the European Union applicable on the first working day of the month following the end of the action 16-Oct-09 ESSnet KO Culture

ESTAT-B2 Facilitation Function Phases Tasks Information/ awareness raising/ promotion Helpdesk Coordination Reporting PREPARATION Preparation of ESSnet Programme Promotion in WGs Promotional material ESS Website (Insite) Eurostat website Internal awareness sessions Meetings with internal sectoral responsibles Advice on eligible ESSnet projects Collection of proposals from statistical domains Organising of internal ESSnet group Preparation of ESSnet plan in Yearly WP Preparation of report to ESSC in May n-1 Written consultation with WG programming and coordination Prepare ESSnet and evaluate proposals ESSnet manual of procedure Helpdesk for proposals Report on proposals finally retained and agreements signed Survey of implementation one year after finalisation of project IMPLEMENTATION Execution of projects Technical and financial helpdesk Support to the project steering group Early warning on incidence in execution Evaluation of results Discussion with Network of Methodologists Report on ESSnet achievements Dissemination of results ESSnet Website Specific external awareness sessions Provide support for sectoral promotional actions Set up of user groups when needed. Report on dissemination of ESSnet results 16-Oct-09 ESSnet KO Culture 16-Oct-09 ESSnet KO Culture