Intro to Gases
Kinetic Molecular Theory Gas particles are in continuous, random motion. Collisions between gas particles are completely elastic. In other words, there is no net loss or gain of kinetic energy when particles collide. The average kinetic energy is the same for all gases at a given temperature, regardless of the identity of the gas.
Gas PRESSURE is the result of simultaneous COLLISIONS of billions of CONTINUOUS moving particles
PRESSURE Gas Pressure: the pressure exerted by a gas A force exerted per unit area Vacuum: an empty space in which there is no air or other gas : a space from which all or most of the air has been removed
Units of Pressure 1 atm 760 mmHg 760 torr 101.325 kPa These units are all equivalent to each other
Convert 3.0 atm to mmHg
Convert 1520 torr to kPa
Pressure and Temperature From the given graph, what is the relationship between Pressure and Temperature?
PV = constantT Because as volume INCREASES temperature INCREASES
The AVERAGE temperature of a substance is DIRECTLY proportional to the KINETIC MOLECULAR THEORY of gas particle. To convert between Levin and Celcius: ____deg C + 273 = _______ K