CSAH-8-1 Crack Sealing w/ Transverse Mastic
CSAH-8-2 Chip Seal over Crack Sealing w/ Mastic
CSAH-8-3 Chip Seal
CSAH-8-4 Cape Seal
CSAH-8-5 Double Chip Seal
CSAH-8-6 Triple Chip Seal
CSAH-8-7 FiberMat Chip Seal
CSAH-8-8 FiberMat Cape Seal
CSAH-8-9 Scrub Cape Seal
CSAH-8-10 Scrub Seal
CSAH-8-11 Micro Surface over Crack Seal+Mastic
CSAH-8-12 Micro Surface
CSAH-8-13 Double Micro Surface
CSAH-8-14 Conventional Fog Seal w/ Dusting
CSAH-8-15 Rejuvenating Fog Seal w/ Dusting
CSAH-8-16 Thinlay FiberMat Cape
CSAH-8-17 Thinlay Scrub Cape
CSAH-8-18 Thinlay Cape
CSAH-8-23 Virgin Thinlay
CSAH-8-24 Thinlay
CSAH-8-28 Ultra Thin Bonded Thinlay
CSAH-8-29 Thinlay w/ Delta-S Rejuvenator
US-169-1 Crack Sealing w/ Mastic
US-169-2 Chip Seal over Crack Sealing w/ Mastic
US-169-3 Chip Seal
US-169-4 Double Chip Seal
US-169-5 Triple Chip Seal
US-169-6 Cape Seal
US-169-7 Micro Surface over Cracking Sealing w/ Mastic
US-169-8 Micro Surface
US-169-9 Double Micro Surface
US-169-10 FiberMat Chip Seal
US-169-11 FiberMat Cape Seal
US-169-12 Scrub Cape
US-169-13 Scrub Seal
US-169-16 Control Section
US-169-17 Rejuvenating Fog Seal
US-169-19 Conventional Fog Seal
US-169-22 Thinlay w/ Delta-S
US-169-23 Virgin Thinlay
US-169-24 Ultra Thin Bonded Thinlay
US-169-25 HiMA Thinlay
US-169-26 Thinlay
US-169-27 Thinlay Cape
Northern Preservation Summary Every section has at least some reflective cracking More robust treatments have less cracking/severity Multiple treatments generally better than standalones Raveling/snowplow damage to scrub/single chip seals