University of Malta Library Library Orientation Tour 28/11/2018 University of Malta Library -
Opening Times October - June Monday – Friday 9:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m. Saturday 9:00 a.m. – 12:15 p.m. 16th June – 30th June Monday – Friday 9:00 a.m. – 16:45 p.m. Saturday 9:00 a.m. – 12:15 p.m. July , 16th – 31st August, September Monday – Friday 9:00 a.m. – 13:15 p.m. 28/11/2018 University of Malta Library -
Students can use computer terminals to find books The Library (online) catalogue lists books, journals, reports, and other material held by the library. You can Search by Author, Title, Subject or Keyword. 28/11/2018
How to search by Author Type in the Author’s Surname And Press ‘Next’ 28/11/2018
Remember the initial article of a title “the” or “a” should How to search by Title Type in title of book. Remember the initial article of a title “the” or “a” should never be typed. 28/11/2018
Library Book Record Use shelfmark to look for books on the shelves 28/11/2018
Library Departments Circulation Periodicals Level 1 Reference Department Short Loan Melitensia & Theses Collection Level 2 Open Shelves Archives & Rare Books Audio-Visual Level 3 28/11/2018
Circulation Before borrowing books from the Library you must: - Take the book to the Circulation Desk. Present your library card. The book is then given a date stamp. Returns, renewals and reservations for books are made at this desk. 28/11/2018
The Periodical Department is the place where we store (foreign) newspapers, magazines and journals. Journals are more current than books & contain a mixture of articles, editorials, book reviews, reports etc. Students are not allowed to take them home. 28/11/2018
The Reference Department Department is the place to go for : - Encyclopedias Dictionaries Atlases Directories Biographies Books may not be taken out of this section. 28/11/2018
The Reference Department Newly received books are placed for a fortnight in the far end side of the Reference Department under “Recent Accessions.” Patrons may reserve new books and will be notified when they are available. 28/11/2018
Short Loan Department This is a small collection of books taken from the General Collection. Books may be borrowed for: - 2 hours during the day Overnight (before 5:00 p.m.) On the weekend (Saturday before closure) A photocopier is available in this section. 28/11/2018
The Melitensia Department The Melitensia is the place where we keep books, reports, magazines and newspapers about Malta. Remember……. No material can taken out unless it is checked at the Melitensia’s own Circulation Desk. Photocopying is available inside the section. 28/11/2018
Searching for books in the Melitensia Department When searching the online catalogue, click on Melitensia. Type in title, author, subject or keyword. Locate the title of work. Fill out form with details of book. Hand the form to staff to fetch work. 28/11/2018
Theses Collection (closed access) The Theses collection is located within the Melitensia Department The same procedure is followed to search for material on the online catalogue But remember to use the Theses Module 28/11/2018
Archives and Rare Books The Archives and Rare Books Department collects and makes available for research purposes rare and unique material which documents history and culture of Malta. The holdings include: - Literary Manuscripts, Historical papers, Archival records of the University since 1800, Bequests and donations. 28/11/2018
Audio-Visual Material The Library holds a small collection of microfilm, microfiche, film reels, slides, videos, CD-ROMs, tapes, floppy diskettes and records on Level 3 of the University Library. Subjects include art, biology, computers, education, history, mathematics etc. Shelfmarks for books accompanying audio-visual material show the A/V abbreviation e.g. HB171.5.V359 A/V 28/11/2018
Open Shelves – Level 2 Library of Congress Subjects and corresponding Classmarks Philosophy – B-BJ Psychology - BF Theology/Religion – BL,BX Archaeology - C History – D-F Geography – G-GN Oceanography - GL Anthropology - GN Physical Education - GV Economics – HB Management - HD Accountancy - HF Business Studies – HF 28/11/2018
Open Shelves – Level 3 Library of Congress Subjects and corresponding Classmarks Sociology - HM Criminology - HV Public Administration – JF Law – K Education – L-LT Music – M Fine Arts – N - NX Architecture - NA Linguistics – P Language & Literature – PA - PZ Mathematics & Computing – QA Physics – QC Chemistry - QD Biology – QH Anatomy – QM Physiology - QP Microbiology – QR Agriculture – S-SF Engineering – TA-TJ Library Science - Z 28/11/2018
Photocopying The Library provides various photocopying machines throughout the premises. Self-service photocopy cards may be purchased at the circulation desk for €6.00 (81 units), €4.70 (re-charged card 81 units). 28/11/2018
Photocopying Guidelines One article from a journal. 10 pages from a book if in one sequence, or up to 20 pages if taken from different parts (Copyright Act xiii 2000). 28/11/2018
Library Rules No food & drinks. Keep mobile phones turned off at all times. Bags must be placed in lockers (always keep your personal belongings with you). 28/11/2018
Library Rules Keep low voices. Take good care of books. 28/11/2018