What you should be looking at. What we are looking at in class. Re-cap of the papers! What you should be looking at. What we are looking at in class.
Children’s Language Development. A-level ENGLISH LANGUAGE (7702/1) Paper 1: Language, the Individual and Society Time allowed: 2 hours 30 minutes Section A Textual Variations and Representations Answer all questions in this section. Q1 – Analyse M&R Text A (Contemporary) 25 Marks Q2 - Analyse M&R Text B (1600+) 25 Marks Q3 – Comparison. Exploration of similarities and differences in Text A and B 20 Marks Section B Children’s Language Development. Answer Q4 or Q5 Q4 – Q5 - Set of data for each and a specific question to answer! 30 Marks 1hr 30mins 1hr
Paper 2: Language Diversity and Change ENGLISH LANGUAGE (7702/2) Paper 2: Language Diversity and Change Time allowed: 2 hours 30 minutes Section B Language Discourses Answer both Question 3 and Question 4 in this section. Q3. Text A, is a blog post about language change from The Guardian online. Text B, is the start of an article about language change from The Daily Telegraph online. Analyse how language is used in Text A and Text B to present views about the nature of language change. 40 Marks Q4 . Write an opinion article about language change in which you assess the ideas and issues raised in Text A and Text B and argue your own views. 30 Marks Section A Diversity and Change Answer ONE question in this section Either Q1. Evaluate the idea that spoken interactions between men and women are characterised by miscommunication. 30 Marks or Q2. Evaluate the idea that the English language is changing and breaking up into many different Englishes. 30 Marks 1hr 1hr 30 mins
Groups - Rachel, Trinity, Harry Daisy, Tegan, Jordan, Maisie Taryn, Lucy, Jak, Zak Georgie, Cailin, Jack P
Assess the idea that women’s language is deficient.
Assess the idea that women’s language is deficient. What are the key words in the question? What is the question inviting you to do? Initial reactions? How could you answer this question? What might you do first? Just write down EVERYTHING!! GO!!
So, first things first. Do you agree or disagree? We obviously can’t just write about everything we know! We have to formulate a beautiful and well informed argument – obvs! So, first things first. Do you agree or disagree?
Now look at your splurges Now look at your splurges. Highlight what is relevant and backs up you opinion. What is the most perceptive and interesting?
Writing up this bad boy! As we know, the best things come in threes! Your essay will need to have 3 sections that develop and further your argument. To begin with, you may want to try 2 X agree/disagree and 1 X disagree/agree. Or, if feeling confident you may want to weave the alternative viewpoints throughout.
Section 1 Section 2 Section 3 Topic sentence – WOW! Women’s language is not deficient, but actually different. Explore in detail. What is being said? What are the ideas being discussed? Perpetuates myth of gendered hierarchy. Simplistic. Limited. Theory to back up Lakoff and Cameron Evidence/Examples. This could come from own studies or reference to established studies. Study of women’s speech patterns – tag questions, modal auxiliaries. Not just women. Debates in media ‘vocal fry’?!?!?
Top Tips from Examiner More successful students: • used a detailed and sophisticated linguistic register • addressed the key words from the tasks throughout • used these key words to focus how they explored their examples and case studies • were arguing and evaluating the proposition throughout their paragraphs • used discourse markers that articulated the direction of their argument. Less successful students: • lacked a linguistic register • did not provide clear topics/paragraphs • selected inappropriate material • mixed elements of question one and two • used inappropriate discourse markers that did not work • were information heavy/argument light • mechanically tacked on a reference to the question terms at the start and end of paragraphs.
Let’s Look at an Example…
Mark Scheme…. AO1: Apply appropriate methods of language analysis, using associated terminology and coherent written expression
AO2: Demonstrate critical understanding of concepts and issues relevant to language use
Introduction: Define what is being talked about. Quote or reference from the outset. Interrogate the question. Practice some generic opening lines!
The difference between men and women in society in general has been a long-standing debate argued throughout the centuries and the differences between men and women’s language does not vary from this pattern. There are many different views and in fact theories as to whether men and women differ in the way they use language, both supporting and disputing whether women’s language is deficient. There is a long standing linguistic enquiry into gendered language. Too often Women’s language is defined as being lesser, or as suggested in early study models, deficient. This is perhaps symptomatic of a patriarchal ideology and a language that perpetuates this hierarchy. The act of defining ‘women’s language’ is a difficult task in itself and one open to criticism – can men and women’s language be separated so easily? Is there even any merit in this approach?
Linked to a wider idea/ theory. It would be too simplistic to suggest that…. If we consider X’s theory…. When looking closely at X’s study… BOLD STATEMENT! Popular language debates! Topic sentence Linked to a wider idea/ theory. X developed a theory that suggested… This conforms to X’s study on…. When exploring…..X found that….. A theory that supports/challenges this is….. In considering X’s theory of…. Explore this in depth making reference to theories that support your idea. EVALUATE X is successful in suggesting…. Back up with specific examples from your own and established studies. This is exemplified in in….. Recent research suggests… Clearly from contemporary research…. More recent studies illuminate the idea that…. One observation shows…. This finding would confirm X’s idea that….. LINK – Back to question. Sum up point. LINK – To next idea. Use clear discourse markers!
PURPOSE DISCOURSE MARKERS (a word or phrase whose function is to organize discourse into segments) Adding something Moreover; In addition; Additionally; Further; Further to this; Also; Besides; What is more. Making a contrast between two separate things, people, ideas, etc However; On the other hand; In contrast; Yet. Making an unexpected contrast (concession) Although; Even though; Despite the fact that; In spite of the fact that; Regardless of the fact that Saying why something is the case Because; Since; As; Insofar as. Saying what the result of something is Therefore; Consequently; In consequence; As a result; Accordingly; Hence; Thus; For this reason; Because of this. Expressing a condition If; In the event of; As long as...; So long as...; Provided that...; Assuming that...; Given that.... Making what you say stronger On the contrary; As a matter of fact; In fact; Indeed.
How to structure the response 3 Points always 3 points!! 2 agree/disagree one other? Continually evaluate? Lead with the big ideas from language debates. Lead with theory? Popular ideas? Back up with findings of own - will need to show off terminology! BOXES!