Discuss with students the importance of images and how words convey different meanings. It is one of the reasons why communication is messy.
Communication It’s Empowerment!
Don’t use it for evil Don’t use your power of communication for evil Or to say dumb things. Trump- KKK Trump- New low in presidential debates
Communication- What is it? It is EVERYWHERE! Or this
Communication- Communication is sending and receiving messages in order to create shared meaning.
NOTE BREAK! W/a partner take turns recalling a past experience when you and a family member or friend assumed you knew what the other was thinking and caused a misunderstanding. Discuss how the problem could have been avoided.
Meaning Is the interpretations you place on the verbal and nonverbal communication. Your experiences and who says it affects how you interpret the meaning of a message. It was a great movie! Meanings change as you change. Having a shared common meaning is important or you don’t understand!
Interact- W/a partner, take turns describing a person who is the best communicator you know. BE SPECIFIC in telling how the person acts and speaks and what situation he or she handles well. We will put characteristics on the board.
Public Speaking- Communication between audience & speaker Audience Centered Message fits with the audience- Speech crafted to reach them. Emphasizes the spoken word Gestures, word choice, voice Prepared Presentation-
Why Study Public Speaking? Oh- I have reasons. Empowering! 1. Miss S.C. 2. Herman Cain
Why Public Speaking? Career- Classroom- How? Community- Communication skills are the #1 desired skill for employers. Classroom- How? Community- Activists- What are some areas where public speaking is helping Aberdeen?
Four Cornerstones of Speaking Honesty- be true Authenticity- Integrity- doing what you say Love Julian Treasure: How to speak so that people want to listen
Communication Process- Old View Linear Model- one way flow from speaker to audience You “inject” your information. Do you agree w/ this theory?
Communication is a TRANSACTION!!! Communication Model Communication is a TRANSACTION!!! Exchange in which all participants continuously send & receive messages.
COPY THE NEXT SLIDE Yes, you have to draw the diagram
Insert picture from book
Parts of the Communication Model- Sender Source- person who is conveying ideas to audience Mr. Konda talking to class Message- ideas conveyed Encode- choosing verbal & nonverbal symbols to organize and deliver one’s message Symbols- something that represents an idea, a process, or a physical entity. Used to convey meaning Channel- How the message is delivered. Txt message, power point, video, or a punch.
Communication Model- Sender Receivers- person who receives the message Decoding- performed by receiver, to make sense of the verbal and nonverbal cues sent by sender. Noise/interference- external or internal phenomena that disrupts communication between a sender & receiver. External- outside noise like a lawn mower Internal- day dreaming, you gots to peeeeee Feedback- verbal and nonverbal response to a source’s message.
Communications Goal- Shared Meaning- A common understanding with little confusion and few misinterpretations. Shared meaning is the goal of transactional model of communication.
Break down- In the video who are the senders and the receivers? What is the channel? What is the message? Give an example of the message. How do they encode or decode the message? What are some of the feedback signs and responses did you notice? Is there a misunderstanding of the information presented? What is the purpose of this interview? What is the overall message Obama wants to deliver?
Practice! Between two ferns
Verbal- Because of people’s background and experiences, words don’t always have the same meaning to everybody. N00b Cool Creepin Shot
Words and Meanings Denotative Meaning- Dictionary Definitions Connotative Meanings- the values, attitudes, and emotions that people associate with the words. Changes what the message means. Language is CONSTANTLY changing. Ex. Creeping Are you peering in a window OR looking up a friend on Facebook?
Slang Words Slang- informal language that is unique to a particular group. Change the most often Fall out of favor very quickly Ex. Awesome- Now Swag
Nonverbal- What’s your guess? What percent of a day’s communication is a result of the following? % of verbal communication % nonverbal communication % tone of voice
Nonverbal- Messages expressed without words. Appearance Facial expression Eye contact Posture Gestures
55% facial expressions, gestures, posture and so forth 38% tone of voice (loudness, tempo, and so forth 7% word choice
Paralanguage Type of nonverbal communication that uses rate, pitch, volume, tone to convey certain meaning in a message. Take Pretty Woman- Were they there to help?
How does Tone change meaning? My son didn’t break the window.
My son didn’t break the window.
Public Speaking is Critical Thinking You analyze your own assumption and ideas of others. Examine the reliability, truth and accuracy of ideas before making a judgment. Speeches should carefully consider perspectives of your audience and ways to reach them.
Rhetorical Purpose- The intended effect on the audience In class it is assigned Ex. Super Hero Ex. Inform on a disease.
Assignment- Due tomorrow Create the diagram of the communication model. Must include all the parts. Provide definition of the words as well. Can’t just copy the example. Make it your own! Use different scene and be creative. Must contain color. Graded on accuracy and neatness of the assignment.