Junji Urakawa ( for collaborators ) March 6 2007 KEK at LNF Fast Ion Instability Studies at ATF (Preliminary results and proposal for almost perfect experiment) Junji Urakawa ( for collaborators ) March 6 2007 KEK at LNF 2018/11/28 ILCDR07 at INFN-LNF
Results obtained in 2004 Problems: meas. of vacuum pressure, Unknown gas species, extraction kicker heating 2018/11/28 ILCDR07 at INFN-LNF
Measured beam profile by XSR monitor in normal vacuum condition Single bunch/single train 2×1010 bunch/train Ave: 2×10-7 Pa X : 49.5±2.3 mm Y : 8.1±0.7 mm This profile was appeared on normal beam operation 2018/11/28 ILCDR07 at INFN-LNF
Measured beam profile by XSR monitor in the vacuum condition with north ion pump off Single bunch/single train 2×1010 bunch/train Ave: 2×10-6 Pa (Maybe) X : 46.8±2.9 mm Y : 8.4±0.8 mm We have not found vertical beam size blow-up in this vacuum condition 2018/11/28 ILCDR07 at INFN-LNF Change 3train mode
Measured beam profile by XSR monitor on 3 train mode Vacuum : 1×10-5 Pa profile profile BG BG Sample 1 Sample 2 On a 3 train mode at 2×1010 /bunch, sudden large vertical beam blow-up was appeared. On XSR monitor, measured vertical beam size was not fixed on same sizes. We also see a vertical beam oscillation by turn-by-turn monitor. 2018/11/28 ILCDR07 at INFN-LNF
Measured beam profile by XSR monitor on 3 train mode (2) Vacuum : 2×10-6 Pa profile BG Sample 1 Sample 2 On a 3 train mode at 2×109 /bunch (1/10 reduction than before), vertical beam blow up was also appeared. But this amplitude was reduced on XSR monitor. The measured beam sizes were 32.5±0.9 mm horizontally and 24.7±4.7 mm vertically. After changing single train, we did not find this vertical beam blow-up. 2018/11/28 ILCDR07 at INFN-LNF
Bunch Length Measurement (Synchronized Streak Camera) 2018/11/28 ILCDR07 at INFN-LNF
Laser wire beam size monitor in DR 14.7µm laser wire for X scan 5.7µm for Y scan (whole scan: 15min for X, 6min for Y) 300mW 532nm Solid-state Laser fed into optical cavity Expert had a cold during study. Measurements was cancelled. 2018/11/28 ILCDR07 at INFN-LNF
Summary of Feb. 23 Study We found the vertical beam blow-up at 3 train mode above 2×10-6 Pa between 2×109 and 2×1010 /bunch. We did not find the vertical beam blow-up at single bunch/ single train mode below 2×10-6 Pa. 2018/11/28 ILCDR07 at INFN-LNF
Study in Feb. 28 3 bunches/train injection with 2.8ns bunch spacing Problem : beam loading compensation system could not work. We repair it soon. Total intensity : 2.43x1010 electrons/train No beam blow-up (4.5x10-7 Pa, ~8.76mm) 3 bunches/train, 3train ~19mA, IP off beam blow-up, not clear (4.8x10-6 Pa, ~11.5mm) 2018/11/28 ILCDR07 at INFN-LNF
Summary of Feb. 28 Study 3 bunches/train x 3 train operation, 18mA Storage mode, 6.6x10-5 Pa, beam blow-up IP01 On (3.7x10-6 Pa), IP02 On (3.7x10-6 Pa), IP03 On (2.4x10-6 Pa), beam size gradually reduced. No blow-up IP04 On, IP05 On, IP06 On, IP10 On, IP11 On (1.6~1.5x10-6 Pa) 2018/11/28 ILCDR07 at INFN-LNF
Gas Inlet Chamber : N2 etc. Energy spread monitor Laser wire monitor system X-SR Monitor, Bunch length monitor 2018/11/28 ILCDR07 at INFN-LNF
Good pressure bump From vacuum gauge, we evaluate the Beam sees 24mm pressure distribution precisely. Beam sees 24mm diameter beam pipe with pumping slots. 2018/11/28 ILCDR07 at INFN-LNF
Necessary preparation and overhaul Multi-bunch energy compensation system in ATF Linac (Repair it soon.) Check laser wire 20GHz signal sampling system in DR Tuning for high quality beam injection (beam stability, high current injection more than 70mA/train) 2018/11/28 ILCDR07 at INFN-LNF
Who's Planning What? (An incomplete list…) ANL CI Cornell DESY FNAL IHEP KEK LBNL LNF SLAC kickers e-cloud impedance X lattice design low-y ions vacuum acceptance RF system RF controls align/support mech.integration instrumentation feedback system wiggler main magnets KNU, PAL X X X 2018/11/28 ILCDR07 at INFN-LNF
ATF R&D Items Demonstration of Fast Kicker Performance with multi-bunch flat beam (No beam extraction, Measurement of Coherent Oscillation precisely), using strip-lines and FID pulse power supplies. ( ongoing ) Design and Installation on extraction fast kicker for ATF2, Specification : bunch-by-bunch extraction for generation of 30 bunches/train or 60 bunches/train. (late 2008 or 2009) Almost perfect experiment for fast ion instability. (2007) Impedance measurement of ATF DR (almost perfect bunch length measurement). (2008) Micro-wave instability study (CSR measurement). (2008) 1pm vertical emittance generation study if possible. (2009) Other miscellaneous R&D (Instrumentation Development). 2018/11/28 ILCDR07 at INFN-LNF
Goals of the experiment (according to Two proposals (L. Wang, T Goals of the experiment (according to Two proposals (L. Wang, T. Raubenhimer and G. Xia, E. Elsen) Distinguish the two ion effects: beam size blow-up and dipole instability. Quantify the beam instability growth time and tune shift. The growth rate is related to the ion density (vacuum pressure, average beam line density, emittance, betatron function and so on). Quantify the bunch train gap effect Provide detailed data to benchmark simulations with experiment. 2018/11/28 ILCDR07 at INFN-LNF
Detailed Experiment plan Measurement of vacuum pressure and the main components of gas species. Effects of pressure and bunch current: With different pressure conditions (2.0x10-5 Pa in pressure bump) by injecting nitrogen gas); With different beam: 1 train, N of bunch =2~20, 5x109~2X1010/bunch Gap effect repeat B with 2 and 3 bunch trains, repeat B with different length of gaps. repeat above with a different emittance (emittance ratio :changed by skew quads from 0.5% to 10%.) 2018/11/28 ILCDR07 at INFN-LNF
Announcement for efficient collaboration ATF Web is involving and making international data communication page. Welcome to the ATF International Collaboration Announcements 4th Joint meeting of TB and SGCs on May 28-29 at Daresbury Call for new R&D proposals at ATF New system for KEK dormitory reservation KEK users office prepared the online system for user support. It will be activated on March 1st for the dormitory reservations from April 1st. Please read announcements by Users Office. (English) (Japanese) What's new? 1 March 2007 - XTF has been cleared for ATF2 construction Next pictures show the ATF2 area before moving(left) and after moving(center and right) the X-band test station. Floor refurbishment will be start on June after moving Crab-cavity items. Yellow line shows the boundary of floor refurbishment(left side). 2018/11/28 ILCDR07 at INFN-LNF
http://atf.kek.jp/collab/ Studies about the Fast Ion Instability This is a starting point for data sharing within the collaboration of the fast-ion R&D program. It is just started. Therefore we have no tools converting the internal data format into your environment at present. Raw data are distributed in some computers at ATF because of the developments of monitors are done by several groups. Each beam-monitor system has their own format on the different operating system, 8, 16, 32 or 64 bits. It is very difficult to gather them in a server at present. Your help or work to establish the data sharing tools for near future is necessary. Anyway, we will keep to upload the results for your works. Nobuhiro Terunuma, March 1st, 2007. Data and Summary Logging into the ATF web system is required. If you have no account on the ATF web system, please visit the user registration page . 2007/Feb/28 2007/Feb/23 2018/11/28 ILCDR07 at INFN-LNF