EUROCITIES Social Affairs Forum Business meeting 8 March 2018, Utrecht
Business meeting EU policy updates EU funding opportunities Save the date for the SAF autumn meeting
Overview of EU policy updates SDGs in EU European Pillar of Social Rights EU cohesion policy ‘Cities4Europe’ campaign Urban Agenda for the EU
SDGs in the EU EUROCITIES is in the stakeholder platform on SDGs: 5 Dec 2017 – 1st management committee meeting EUROCITIES with CoR and CEMR to create a working group on ‘delivering SDGs at local level’ 10 Jan 2018 – 1st meeting with Frans Timmermans EUROCITIES inputs to EC consultation for the reflection paper on SDGs, due in October 2018
SDGs in the EU Next steps on SDGs: ExCom political debate on SDGs on 4 June in Ghent EUROCITIES is official partner in the European Sustainable Development Week 30 May-5 June 2018 Brand your city events on SDGs as part of this week More information at:
European Pillar of Social Rights Adopted at EU Social Summit on 17 November in Gothenburg Road to implementation: Legislative proposals: Work-life balance directive proposal Social Fairness package: European Labour Authority, European Social Security Number, access to social protection 2. Policy coordination through European Semester 3. Funding -> linking ESF to Pillar delivery
European Pillar of Social Rights Next steps for EUROCITIES: use ‘Social Rights for All’ statement bilateral meeting between EUROCITIES president, Daniel Termont, and chair of SAF, Laia Ortiz, with Commissioner Thyssen on 13 April Annual Convention for Inclusive Growth on 27 Apr (DG EMPL annual event) on the implementation of the social pillar -> side event to showcase role of local level in the pillar
Future of EU cohesion policy EC proposal for post-2020 budget out in May 2018 (incl. reshape of ESF) EUROCITIES answers public consultation on EU funds EU conference on ‘investing in people – the way forward’ on 15-16 Feb in Sofia indicates focus on: skills and employability at the core of future ESF more synergies of EU funds (ESF, FEAD, Erasmus+), simplification, link EU funds to structural reforms (macro conditionalities), more flexibility
Future of EU cohesion policy EUROCITIES survey on ESF: technical report with preliminary findings in Feb, based on survey in 32 cities in 13 countries more cities have expanded responsibilities in ESF and many have been consulted on ESF programmes evidence of added value of ESF in cities remaining obstacles: too complex rules and mismatch btw ESF OP priorities and local needs Conclusions: cities need better access to ESF, more flexibility, more space for social innovation, simplification, synergies ESF-ERDF
EUROCITIES campaign European launch event – Brussels, 7 May 2018 Pan-European campaign in cities in May 2018 engage cities and citizens in the future of Europe European launch event – Brussels, 7 May 2018 recommendations on new forms of democracy AGM in Edinburgh in November 2018 2nd Mayors Summit in March 2019 46 cities have joined the campaign Your city can still join the campaign More info:
EU Urban Agenda Pilot partnerships of 2016 (poverty, housing, migrants & refugees) final action plans adopted implementation begins Partnerships of 2017: jobs & skills, public procurement draft action plans & public feedback New partnerships in 2018: urban security, culture EC report on UA gave positive assessment
Project and funding news
CITIES GROW Integration of refugees and migrants through economic activity Main focus: transferring good practices and approving concrete action plans on the economic integration of migrants and refugees to address the implementation gaps of the Integrating Cities Charter. Main Activities: Benchmarking, 4 new toolkits on integration drafting action plans for local change study visits in autumn 2017 & implementing visits in mid-2018 videos Methodology: City-to-city mentoring, transfer & take-up (study visits, implementing visits) + concrete actions Major event: Integrating Conference VII – 7-8 November 2018 in Milan
Funding opportunities Urban Innovation Action REC calls EaSI ESF transnational cooperation New EEA and Norway Grants Horizon 2020 calls Funding Forecast:
Urban Innovation Actions Local projects of < 5 mil. € with 80% co-financing 3rd call for proposals, deadline 30 Mar 2018 housing jobs & skills in the local economy 2018 calls to open in Dec 2018 urban poverty circular economy
Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme 2014-2020 budget €439.5 mil for 2014-2020, 80% co-funding 7 open calls: capacity-building in rights of the child, DL: 31 May improve the inclusion of mobile EU citizens and their political & societal participation, DL: 26 Apr prevent and combat gender-based violence and violence against children, DL: 13 Nov non-discrimination & Roma integration, DL: 9 Oct counter hate speech online, DL: 11 Oct combating racism & intolerance, DL: 27 Sep
Employment and Social Innovation (EaSI) Call for proposals on social innovation & national reforms => Lot 1: Work-life balance, DL: 18 April Aim: to develop, test and implement innovative work-life balance strategies, multi-level partnership models and knowledge-sharing Total budget €10 mil -> 5-7 proposals to be funded 80% co-funding rate Cities can participate as lead or project partner
ESF transnational cooperation transnational ESF projects, 3-year, 100% cost 6 member states launched calls in Jan-Feb: Belgium (Flanders), Bulgaria, Finland, Poland, Portugal and Sweden calls cover the broad ESF themes of employment, youth, inclusion, social economy, learning and skills, migrants and governance. common deadline: 11 May 2018 projects to start in Oct-Nov 2018
New EEA and Norway Grants New fund to support regional cooperation -> consortium: min. 3 eligible countries Aim: knowledge sharing, exchange of good practice and capacity building. Themes: innovation, research, education & competitiveness social inclusion, youth employment, poverty environment, energy, climate change civil society, good governance, fundamental rights justice and home affairs Deadline: 1 July 2018
Horizon 2020 calls Presentation by Raffaella Greco Tonegutti, policy officer on migration and mobility at DG Research and Innovation, European Commission
Interested to host a SAF meeting in 2019? Save the date for our next SAF meeting Autumn SAF 2018 Stuttgart Interested to host a SAF meeting in 2019? Apply by 15 September 2018
Thank you for contributing to the #GlobalGoals! See you all at Autumn SAF 2018 in Stuttgart