The Arabian Peninsula
People Most Arabs are Muslims and speak Arabic Decedents of ancient Arab people
Density and Distribution Most live in large cities in coastal regions and some in oases Relatively low population density by country, but cities have very high densities Bedouin still roam the Arabian desert or settle in oases Oil discovery has modernized the countries
History and Government Yemen One of earliest civilizations Some countries sign treaties with Great Britain for protection
Independence Kuwait independence mid 1900s United Arab Emirates 1971 formed from sheikhdoms Saudi Arabia Follows Shari’ah Quran, Kuwait, and Qatar Costitutional emirates ruled by emirs
Living Standards Varies through region High standard from oil production Labor shortages need foreign workers Qatar one of highest per-capita incomes in world
Religion Most Sunni and Shia Muslim Oman Belief in making hajj to Makkah Oman Practice Ibadhism form of Islam
Education and Healthcare Education and skills given high priority in oil rich nations High literacy rates Healthcare varies depending on country and religion.
Arts and Celebrations Mostly geometric patterns and floral designs Calligraphy Passages from Quran adorn walls and mosques Makkah: _MQ