The Presidency of George Washington
Agenda 1. Bell Ringer: Explain one reason the US Constitution appeased the anti-Federalists. (5) 2. Notes: Washington Heads the New Government (25) 3. Compare and Contrast Federalist/Democratic Republicans (15) 4. Whiskey Rebellion Video Clip (10) 5. Washington’s Farewell Address (15) 6. Do you agree with the Times? Activity/Kahoot (10) HW:
A New Government Initially George Washington did not want to be president. America needed someone knowledgeable in the US Constitution and the role of the executive. We needed to create revenue, and have a national defense (not provided in the US Constitution) Washington would create the model for the Presidency, allowing Congress to take the lead. He concentrated more on foreign policy.
Judiciary Act of 1789 Created a judicial structure for the federal court system. Allowed that federal court could supersede State courts in the matter of law.
Hamilton vs Jefferson Jefferson becomes secretary of State once he returns from France. Hamilton, author of the Federalist becomes secretary of the treasury Henry Knox and Edmund Randolph were also a part of Washington’s cabinet. Hamilton and Jefferson constantly disagreed, and this would form the basis of the two major political parties.
A National Economy Hamilton had a economic plan put in place that managed the debt incurred by the nation. Proposal: Pay off foreign debt, issue new bonds, federal government should assume debts of the states (1/3 the cost of Revolution) This would give creditors faith in the new national government. Some disagreed, claiming that they did not want to pay for the debts of someone else.
A National Bank Invested by the national government and wealthy individuals Bank of the US would issue paper money. Very controversial Bank may forge an alliance between government and wealthy. Madison claimed that since it wasn’t in the Constitution, it wasn’t allowed… Lead to a strict vs loose interpretation of the US Constitution. Bank is established using the elastic clause of the Constitution “necessary and proper”
Compromise Hamilton and Jefferson finally came to an agreement by relocating the Capital, creating a new city at the Potomac.
The First Political Parties, and a rebellion Federalists Supported strong federal government Believed in a national bank Believed republic should be led by a well-educated elite Democratic-Republicans State governments should be stronger An agrarian economy Strict interpretation of the US Constitution Whiskey Rebellion- 1794 Hamilton created an excise tax on whiskey, small farmers in the west created corn whiskey to ease transport. They refused to pay tax, tarring and feathering collectors. First instance federal forces were used to quell rebellion