1A-1B.Team, Scope and Vision Conservation Coaches Network Workshop Presentation 1A-1B.Team, Scope and Vision
Adaptive Management Workshop Presentations 1A-1B. Team, Scope, Vision 1B. Conservation Targets 1B. Viability Assessment 2A-1. Strategy Selection 2A-2. Results Chains 2A-3. Goals and Objectives 1C. Threat Rating 1D. Conceptual Models 2B. Monitoring Plan
This Presentation Team, Scope, & Vision Introduction to our example – Swan Coastal Plain Wetlands Project, Australia Project Team Project Scope and Vision Statement
Conservation Projects Occur at All Scales Team, Scope, & Vision Managing a community fishing ground in Palau Protection or restoration of an endangered species A national park or Natura 2000 site Coordinated efforts to mitigate the burgeoning bushmeat challenge in Eastern Africa Mava Foundation’s funding program for the Mediterranean, Alps & West Africa Marine regions UN Small Grants Program on Community Management of Protected Areas, globally
Our Example – Swan Coastal Plain Wetlands Team, Scope, & Vision Throughout our presentations, we use example outputs from the Wetland Watch project from WWF Australia that we have modified slightly to reflect the structure and products of the CMP Open Standards. The intent is to give a real-world example of how the Standards have been applied. Adapted from WWF Australia’s WeltlandsWatch Project
Our Example – Swan Coastal Plain Wetlands Team, Scope, & Vision The Swan Coastal Plain is part of a WWF Global 200 Ecoregion
Our Example – Swan Coastal Plain Wetlands Team, Scope, & Vision Perth Throughout our presentations, we use example outputs from the Wetland Watch project from WWF Australia that we have modified slightly to reflect the structure and products of the CMP Open Standards. The intent is to give a real-world example of how the Standards have been applied. Background on the Swan Coastal Plain: Area in SW Australia south of Perth with rich flora (>2000 spp. Of plants along this coastal strip), large # of endemic species. Coastal dunes and sandplains > inland woodlands and wetlands cut off from the sea by barrier dunes The Southwest of Western Australia is one of 25 biodiversity hotspots in the world. Much of this biodiversity is contained within wetlands systems, which support a diverse and distinctive array of plants and animals including many rare and threatened species, as well as an estimated 80% of the region's threatened ecological communities. There are also a number of Ramsar listed wetlands in the region, including Forrestdale Lake. Wetlands are particularly important habitat for the many plant spp. Area historically under the control of indigenous people whose hunter-gatherer practices maintained old growth forests. European settlement led to draining of wetlands. Majority of wetlands have been destroyed by urban development and agricultural expansion. WWF estimates that if current rate of wetland loss continues, all welands in this region will likely be lost in next 10-20 years. Benger swamp Nature Reserve (a seasonally flooded wetland) located NE of Bunbury (half-way to Harvey) is one of the most diverse areas for waterbirds in W Australia. Birdlife Int’l has designated it as an IBA. Benger Swamp is an isolated seasonally inundated freshwater marsh dominated by extensive beds of bulrush, with areas of grassland and sedgeland and fringing stands of Melaleuca scrub. Project Area
Conceptualize Team, Scope, & Vision
Define Initial Project Team Team, Scope, & Vision Who will design and implement the project?
Define Initial Project Team Team, Scope, & Vision
Define Core Project Team Team, Scope, & Vision Identify who should be on the team, based on the overlapping interests of different groups and the project purpose Project Staff Local People Exporters of Agricultural Products Nat. Res. Area Manager Development NGO
Define Initial Project Team Team, Scope, & Vision Consider skills and knowledge needed Define roles Person Org. Skills Roles Comments Christine WWF Wetland management; stakeholder liaison, project management Team leader; project manager & implementer Has built rapport with key stakeholders; is well-respected Brett Local NGO Wetland biodiversity; community awareness raising Project officer & implementer New team member (August 2008) POINT IS TO THINK ABOUT ALL THE SKILLS YOU NEED, IDENTIFY WHO HAS THOSE SKILLS AND SHOULD BE ON THE TEAM, IDENTIFY GAPS. SHOULD ALSO POINT OUT THAT YOU WOULD HAVE ADVISORS TOO.
Woodland Park Zoo Tree Kangaroo Project Team in Miradi Team, Scope, & Vision Several organizations are working together on this project Team members have different positions and roles The Woodland Park Zoo is the lead organization on this project. WPZ works closely with CI and James Cook University (JCU).
Woodland Park Zoo Tree Kangaroo Project Team in Miradi Team, Scope, & Vision You can include skills or assets of team members here. Woodland Park Zoo
Our Project Team Swan Coastal Plain Project Team Members: Team, Scope, & Vision Swan Coastal Plain Project Team Members: Team Leader: Christina Initial Project Team: Christina, Raquel Core Project Team: Christina, Brett, Richard, Bill Key Advisors: Provincial government representatives University scientist
Conceptualize Team, Scope, & Vision
Define Scope Team, Scope, & Vision Condor Bioreserve, Ecuador Projects focused on biodiversity of a specific place have a geographic scope (project area) Others have a thematic scope (which can be a target, threat or strategy) – although they often have a loose geographic boundary
Wetlands Example of Scope Team, Scope, & Vision Geographic Scope: Wetlands and bordering habitat on Swan Coastal Plain
Scope in Miradi Team, Scope, & Vision Scope tab Summary Mode Screen shot to show where in Miradi to input finalized scope. (in Summary view, under Scope tab)
Possible Scope for Meso-American Reef Team, Scope, & Vision Project Scope: Meso-American Reef ecoregion Team: Conservation organization’s ecoregional team (core), partner NGOs These 3 slides show that for the same project area, one could have 3 potential scopes.
Possible Scope for Meso-American Reef Team, Scope, & Vision Project Scope: Meso-American Reef ecoregion and adjacent watersheds Team: Conservation organization’s ecoregional team (core), partner NGOs
Possible Scope for Meso-American Reef Team, Scope, & Vision Project Scope: Meso-American Reef Priority Sites Identified Through Ecoregional Assessment (Current & Future Management Areas) Team: Conservation organization’s ecoregional team (core), partner NGOs Real project scope from a TNC project
Example of a Project With a Thematic Scope (Threat) Team, Scope, & Vision Project Title: Market Transformation Initiative – Palm Oil component Start with the theme and then identify geographic location of that theme Thematic (and Geographic) Project Scope: Countries where high conservation value (HCV) forests are being converted to palm oil
Example of a Project With a Thematic Scope (Target) Team, Scope, & Vision Project Title: Global Tiger Initiative Thematic (and Geographic) Project Scope: Areas where tiger populations are still viable or can be restored Start with the theme and then identify geographic location of that theme
Example of a Project With a Thematic Scope (Strategy) Team, Scope, & Vision Project Title: Rare “Pride Campaigns” (social marketing) for Sustainable Fishing in Latin America Thematic (and Geographic) Project Scope: Priority sites where overfishing is having a high impact on biodiversity (Mesoamerican Reef, Gulf of California and Galapagos) Start with the theme and then identify geographic location of that theme
Conceptualize Team, Scope, & Vision
Define Your Vision Statement Team, Scope, & Vision aim high, be visionary
Define Your Vision Statement Team, Scope, & Vision Vision Statement: A description of the desired state or ultimate condition that a project is working to achieve. A good vision statement should meet the following criteria: Relatively general: Broadly defined to encompass all project activities Visionary: Inspirational in outlining the desired change in the state of the targets toward which the project is working Brief: Simple and succinct so that all project participants can remember it
Wetlands Example of a Vision Statement Team, Scope, & Vision Project Scope: Wetlands and bordering habitat on Swan Coastal Plain Vision Statement: Long-term conservation of high value wetlands and adjacent habitats on the Swan Coastal Plain so that they persevere as rich and viable biodiversity habitats for all wildlife, and for the benefit and appreciation of future generations.
Vision Statement in Miradi Team, Scope, & Vision Screen shot to show where in Miradi to input finalized Vision text. (in Summary view, under Scope tab)
Which Comply with Criteria for a Good Vision Statement? Team, Scope, & Vision Improve community health in the West Kilimanjaro Basin region. Carry out planning workshops with government officials. An ecologically healthy dry scrub forest that sustains plant and wildlife populations while also meeting the economic, cultural, and spiritual needs of local communities. Give local NGOs help in the implementation of green enterprises in Fiji. Natural resources conserved and ecosystem functions maintained in Voyageurs National Park for current and future generations. Save Corbett National Park. #3 and #5 are vision statements. The others are not. #1 – not visionary - what does “improve community health” mean? #2 – this sounds more like an activity; it is definitely not visionary! #4 – this sounds more like a strategy; it is not visionary #6 – this is not visionary, it is not clear what it means