Session two: 2017-18 Grant Guidelines Webinar/meeting September 29, 2016 FY 2017-18 Perkins Grant Guidelines Webinar/Mtg - September 29, 2016
FY 2017-18 Grant Guidelines Webinar/Meeting Welcome – Valerie Payne, WTCS Grants Coordinator Agenda – Session One – New Grant Writer’s Training – 9:00 a.m. –9:30 a.m. Session Two – Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act (Perkins) Grants – 10:00 a.m. –11:15 a.m. Session Three – State Grants – 12:45 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. FY 2017-18 Perkins Grant Guidelines Webinar/Mtg - September 29, 2016
Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act (Perkins IV) Grants FY 2017-18 Perkins Grant Guidelines Webinar/Mtg - September 29, 2016
Perkins IV Grants Due by January 13, 2017 Accountability Local Perkins Plan Strengthening Career and Technical Education Programs Student Success Non-Traditional Occupations (NTO) Reserve Fund High School to College Transitions Criminal Offenders Program FY 2017-18 Perkins Grant Guidelines Webinar/Mtg - September 29, 2016
Perkins Accountability FY 2017-18 Grant Contact: Julie Tyznik 608-261-6538 E-mail: Pages 9-28 of Perkins Grant Guidelines FY 2017-18 Perkins Grant Guidelines Webinar/Mtg - September 29, 2016
Accountability Purpose The System Board has established and negotiated with the Department of Education the required Core Indicators of Performance for postsecondary eligible recipients, in accordance with Perkins IV guidance from the U.S. Department of Education. The performance levels are to be measurable and are to provide for continuous improvement in the performance of students as measured by the Core Indicators of Performance. career/accountability FY 2017-18 Perkins Grant Guidelines Webinar/Mtg - September 29, 2016
Perkins Follow-Up WisLine Program Improvement, Perkins Plan, NTO, and Student Success Grants Tuesday, October 4th, 2016 2:00 pm to 3:00 pm Toll Free: 1-855-947-8255 Passcode: 8137143# Contacts: Julie Tyznik (608-261-6538) Lisa Hebgen (608-266-3738) Karen Showers (608-267-9458) FY 2017-18 Perkins Grant Guidelines Webinar/Mtg - September 29, 2016
Reserve FY 2017-18 Grant Contacts: Career Prep Ann Westrich 608-261-4588 E-mail: Supporting Student Success (Invitation Only) Lisa Hebgen 608-266-3738 E-mail: Pages 29-39 of Perkins Grant Guidelines FY 2017-18 Perkins Grant Guidelines Webinar/Mtg - September 29, 2016
Reserve Purpose Grants in this category will be awarded to colleges only for projects related to Career Prep and Supporting Student Success. Proposals will be accepted from each technical college to support Career Prep activities. Proposals will be solicited from colleges for grants to promote innovative or successful practices in the areas related to the student success priorities of the System Board Reserve – Statewide POS changed from $58,699 to $58,700 from FY 2015-16 FY 2017-18 Perkins Grant Guidelines Webinar/Mtg - September 29, 2016
Perkins – Reserve Funds Changes from FY 2016-17 Removed Statewide Programs of Study Priorities: Career Prep Supporting Student Success-colleges are invited to participate. FY 2017-18 Perkins Grant Guidelines Webinar/Mtg - September 29, 2016
Perkins Reserve – Career Prep An allocation of $687,600 will be made available to fund Career Prep. Base funding in the amount of $25,000 for each technical college, plus an additional formula amount will be made available for this priority. Formula amounts for each college can be found on pg. 90 in the grant guidelines. Be sure to write to a minimum of three of the four Career Prep Outcomes found on pg. 32 of the guidelines. Measures need to be created, as they have in the past, for each outcome and the supporting activities. FY 2017-18 Perkins Grant Guidelines Webinar/Mtg - September 29, 2016
Perkins Reserve – Supporting Student Success Funding in the amount of $258,700 will be made available, on an invitation only basis, to four colleges to submit applications for this grant category to offer or enhance personal counseling/mental health services for students currently enrolled in a CTE program (reported through Client Reporting) and have completed 12 or more program courses with a grade of C (2.0) or better. This component will provide funds to provide direct and collaborative student support services.
Perkins Reserve – Supporting Student Success Changes from FY 2016-17 Focus-student veterans to mental health services Funds Available and Limitations Four colleges, by invitation FY 2017-18 Perkins Grant Guidelines Webinar/Mtg - September 29, 2016
Student Success FY 2017-18 Grant Contacts: Lisa Hebgen 608-266-3738 E-mail: Pages 40-43 of Perkins Grant Guidelines Reminder: The purpose, “at-risk” criteria and allowable activities are for students in CTE and career pathways. FY 2017-18 Perkins Grant Guidelines Webinar/Mtg - September 29, 2016
Student Success Purpose Grants in this category are awarded only to provide direct comprehensive student support services designed to meet the needs of designated career and technical education students considered at-risk, which may include, but is not limited to, students with disabilities, students considered diverse, military service members, first generation, etc. FY 2017-18 Perkins Grant Guidelines Webinar/Mtg - September 29, 2016
Student Success Funds Available and Limitations – Changes from FY 2016-17 Funds Available and Limitations – Removed Line Item #11 – Specific subcontracting activities verbiage Removed Line Item #12 – Summer school as allowable Removed Line Item #14 – Program evaluation as allowable Allowable Activities – Updated list FY 2017-18 Perkins Grant Guidelines Webinar/Mtg - September 29, 2016
Perkins Follow-Up WisLine Program Improvement, Perkins Plan, NTO, and Student Success Grants Tuesday, October 4th, 2016 2:00 pm to 3:00 pm Toll Free: 1-855-947-8255 Passcode: 8137143# Contacts: Julie Tyznik (608-261-6538) Lisa Hebgen (608-266-3738) Karen Showers (608-267-9458) FY 2017-18 Perkins Grant Guidelines Webinar/Mtg - September 29, 2016
Promoting and Supporting High School to College Transitions for CTE Students FY 2017-18 Grant Contact: Ann Westrich 608-261-4588 E-mail: FY 2017-18 Perkins Flex Funding Available, no minimum requirement. This grant must support the work of the Career Prep Grant, and needs to address one or more of the Career Prep outcomes found on pg. 32. This grant is a great way to add to the transition activities from Secondary to Post-Secondary for students. Pages 44-47 of Perkins Grant Guidelines FY 2017-18 Perkins Grant Guidelines Webinar/Mtg - September 29, 2016
Perkins – High School to College Transitions No changes from FY2016-17 Purpose Grants in this category are awarded only for enhancing a high school student’s technical and academic skills, providing opportunities for transition to postsecondary education, or the joint development of additional Rigorous Programs of Study (RPOS) by the college with one or more secondary partners. Funded activities should supplement the College’s other existing efforts to improve high school to postsecondary transitions for secondary students as well as complement the districts Career Prep Reserve Grant and its outcomes.
Perkins – High School to College Transitions Reminders: Always refer back to the Career Prep outcomes when creating the activities, ask yourself where do they fit? Use this grant to go “above and beyond” while still supporting Career Prep. This is a great way to take on a new initiative! One or more of the Career Prep outcomes need to be addressed through grant activities.
Strengthening CTE Programs FY 2017-18 Grant Contact: Julie Tyznik 608-261-6538 E-mail: Pages 48-54 of Perkins Grant Guidelines FY 2017-18 Perkins Grant Guidelines Webinar/Mtg - September 29, 2016
Strengthening CTE Programs Purpose Grants in this category are awarded only to improve the performance outcomes of WTCS programs of significant size and scope that directly link to maintaining or improving Perkins IV Core Performance Indicators. Changes from FY 2016-17 Application Components Update Outcome Summary Table and instructions on how to find the data for the outcome Summary Table; directions for updating the Outcome Summary Table. FY 2017-18 Perkins Grant Guidelines Webinar/Mtg - September 29, 2016
Strengthening CTE Programs Funds Available and Limitations Reminders: No remedial education allowed No funding for food or beverages Important Date: December 9, 2016 - Proposal including the program name, program number and Perkins indicator(s) targeted, as well as the year if in a multiyear plan submitted to Julie Tyznik. FY 2017-18 Perkins Grant Guidelines Webinar/Mtg - September 29, 2016
E-mail: Assuring Access and Participation in Nontraditional Occupational Training and Employment (NTO) FY 2017-18 Grant Contact: Karen Showers 608-267-9458 E-mail: Pages 55-59 of Perkins Grant Guidelines FY 2017-18 Perkins Grant Guidelines Webinar/Mtg - September 29, 2016
NTO Purpose Grants in this category are awarded only to provide services to retain students in nontraditional career and technical education programs and to provide career awareness, career development, and pre-technical activities to support the enrollment of students in nontraditional postsecondary career and technical education programs (See Definitions). Services may be provided to potential NTO students who are not yet enrolled; however, the expectation of such activities is that the college will see an increase in NTO enrollments. FY 2017-18 Perkins Grant Guidelines Webinar/Mtg - September 29, 2016
NTO No Changes from FY 2016-17 Reminder Funds Available and Limitations #8, Applicants must identify by name and title the NTO Coordinator for this project in the Input to Application section of the proposal FY 2017-18 Perkins Grant Guidelines Webinar/Mtg - September 29, 2016
Perkins Follow-Up WisLine Program Improvement, Perkins Plan, NTO, and Student Success Grants Tuesday, October 4th, 2016 2:00 pm to 3:00 pm Toll Free: 1-855-947-8255 Passcode: 8137143# Contacts: Julie Tyznik (608-261-6538) Lisa Hebgen (608-266-3738) Karen Showers (608-267-9458) FY 2017-18 Perkins Grant Guidelines Webinar/Mtg - September 29, 2016
Criminal Offenders Program (Invitation Only) FY 2017-18 Grant Contact: Peggy Meyers 608-267-9684 E-mail: Pages 60-61 of Perkins Grant Guidelines FY 2017-18 Perkins Grant Guidelines Webinar/Mtg - September 29, 2016
Criminal Offenders Program Purpose Grants in this category are awarded only through the Wisconsin Department of Corrections (DOC), designated as the agency that administers career and technical education occupational programs for those incarcerated in correctional institutions in Wisconsin. Changes from FY 2016-17 No changes; however, quarterly reporting dates should be removed. FY 2017-18 Perkins Grant Guidelines Webinar/Mtg - September 29, 2016
Questions/Resources Questions? Resources: MyWTCS Website WTCS Perkins Grant Contacts Application Forms Grant Resources Page FY 2017-18 Grant Guidelines Change Summary Documents FY 2017-18 Q&A/Webinar Documents Grant Audio Links FY 2017-18 Perkins Grant Guidelines Webinar/Mtg - September 29, 2016