Pems route and parameters Circular tour with total test duration of ~100 – 110 min, equal distribution of rural, urban, and highway. Euro-5 DI Gasoline vehicle used for 4 test drives on different days (vehicle available for lab testing). 3 different T-curves for Emroad tool, 1st version with NEDC weight (1700 kg) and road load setting during WLTC testing on chassis dynamometer: average 201.9 g/km CO2 (only possible until Emroad 5.60B2). 28/11/2018
Wltc reference 2nd version of T-curve with higher vehicle weight of 1875 kg (WLTC TMH): average 212.3 g/km CO2 (only possible until Emroad 5.60B2). 3rd version of T-curve with simulated real road load (average CO2 unknown, only possible with Emroad 5.70, default +/-25% for normal, 100% for extreme). 28/11/2018
Method comparison For most of the 4 tests increasing share of “normal” from NEDC weight to TMH to Emroad version 5.70 with simulated real road load. Decreased share of severe and extreme driving. 1700 kg 1875 kg 1700 kg 1875 kg v 5.70 v 5.70 Standard Trip 1 Standard Trip 2 Standard Trip 3 Sporty Trip 4 28/11/2018
Resulting emissions All driving emissions identical for the 3 methods (consistency check). Normal driving emissions constant or slightly increasing from 1700 kg to 1875 kg to v5.70, severe driving often significantly higher, but not always. Test to test variability larger than any difference of methods. Standard Trip 2 Standard Trip 1 Sporty Trip 4 Standard Trip 3 No clear reduction of test difference for normal windows All 3 methods behave similarly, >80% normal 28/11/2018
Summary Use of 3 different T-curves for the Emroad tool: NEDC weight (1700 kg) and road load setting during WLTC testing on chassis dynamometer: average 201.9 g/km CO2 (only possible until Emroad 5.60B2), vehicle weight of 1875 kg (WLTC TMH): average 212.3 g/km CO2 (only possible until Emroad 5.60B2), simulated real road load (average CO2 unknown, estimated from graph ~220 g/km, only possible with Emroad 5.70). Normal driving emissions constant or slightly increasing from 1700 kg vehicle weight to 1875 kg to Emroad v5.70, severe driving for standard trip significantly higher, but not for sporty trip. Test to test variability not reduced for normal driving as compared to all driving or total trip average. Similar behavior for the 3 different T- curves, normal driving share >80%. Possibility to „fine-tune“ simulated real road load should be added, method should be well documented. 28/11/2018