Low Energy Electromagnetic Physics Maria Grazia Pia INFN Genova on behalf of the Low Energy Electromagnetic WG Geant4 Workshop Genova, 2-6 July 2001 http://www.ge.infn.it/geant4/lowE/
Common Standard/LowE Agreement for interchangeable testing LowE unit tests already test standard as an option Introduce LowE option into examples/extended/electromagnetic/TestEm* Discussion on design iteration in the eloss domain Discussion on future cycles of design iteration Discussion on the right to exist of the LowE WG
SPI Overview of procedures for design, development, tagging, testing Defect analysis and prevention Based on data collected in the work phase for the June release UR form Both incomplete and redundant for LowE requirements, according to past experience See comments to Monday’s plenary presentation Created June 1999 Regularly updated
For December release Continue the validation of existing implementations (Vladimir, MG) Series of polarised LowE processes Design iteration in LowEnergyPolarisedCompton (Francesco+Gerardo) LowEnergyPolarisedGammaConversion (Francesco+Gerardo) Discussion with Hisaya about primary polarisation Alternative models: Penelope Compton (Giovanni et al., subject to JMFV’s availability) Extension of fluorescence to hadron processes (Alfonso+Simeone Generation of fluorescence for continuous, p & e (Alfonso+Simeone+Elena) Design iteration in energy loss domain 1st cycle of OOAD end July, (MG + Vladimir implementation) 2nd cycle of OOAD September, (MG + Vladimir implementation) Other design iterations foreseen Data access - 1st iteration, (MG + Vladimir implementation) Fluorescence - mandatory, (MG + Elena implementation)
For December release Move unit tests to AIDA (MG + Vladimir + Stephane+ TS/UD) Underground example (Alex et al.) Fluorescence example (Elena & Simeone + MG) Telescope examples gamma Analysis: ntuples from digitisation (UD/TS + Andreas) Plotting (Andreas + UD/TS) Digitisation (Francesco) Event display (JAS/WIRED)? - talk with Riccardo X Anything new? Talk with Ramon Brachy example: add analysis (Susanna + Andreas helping) Ntuples Fitting Manipulation of output + histograms