The forces at work on proteins/ glutamic acid and valine By Christian Noelker
Van Der Waals forces All atoms attract b/c of protons and electrons
Electrostatic charge Positive ions attract negative Asp→→arg very stong ↑
S-S bonds Two cysteine amino acids will form a very strong bond
Hydrogen bonds Water molecules are like tiny magnets and stick (POLAR stick to POLAR)
Hydrophobic Literally means water fearing or hating Hydrophobic aminio acids Phenylalanine (phe), proline (pro), alanine (ala), valine (val), isoleucine (ile), leucine (leu), glycine (gly), tryptophan (trp) No attraction to polar stuff so non-polar
Hydrophilic Literally mean water loving Is polar attracts to polar stuff Positive acids- Arg, Lys Negative acids- Asp, Glu Partially positive/negative- Tyr, Met,Asn, Thr, Gln, Ser, His.
Glutamic acid It is normal and hydrophilic, it has a negative charged and doesn’t cause stickiness Hemoglobin proteins stick together because the valines stickiness (cause hydrophobic)makes them stick to the sickle shape.
Valine Is abnormal and hydrophobic, it has no charge and does cause stickiness. Hemoglobin proteins stick together because the valines stickiness (cause hydrophobic)makes them stick to the sickle shape.