Welcome to Honors Math III! Find your name & fill out the student info sheet
Syllabus is Posted on Weebly Honors Math III Syllabus is Posted on Weebly Email: rsamara@wcpss.net Weebly (Math 3 Honors) Homework will be posted on Weebly No need to PRINT the HW - http://pchshonorsmath3.weebly.com/ Your responsibility to check when you’re absent
Classroom Procedures IN YOUR SEAT WHEN BELL RINGS Graphing Calculators You should not be getting up in the middle of class unless you have an emergency. Graphing Calculators REQUIRED for this course I will assign a specific calculator to you. ONLY TAKE YOUR ASSIGNED CALCULATOR. Get this as soon as you walk in the door. If your calculator is not there, check another spot, or tell me immediately. A lost calculator will result in a $100 fine. Turning assignments in You have a specific basket to turn work in, it is labeled with your period number. We do not turn in HW.
10 Point Letter Grading Scale Grade Distribution 60% Major Assessments (Tests) 30% Minor Assessments (Quizzes) 5% Homework 5% Student Engagement 10 Point Letter Grading Scale
Homework Check ALL of HW = 2 stamps Half of HW = 1 stamp Late HW = 1 stamp
Student Engagement Rubrics Yellow sheet of paper 5% of your grade (not extra credit) You may receive points for: Attending SMART Lunch Test Corrections Winning Kahoots Presenting Problems Certain Classwork Assignments/Activities Will be collected at Interim time (out of 50) and then again at the end of the quarter (out of 100)
SMART Lunch Must sign-in to clipboard Tuesday (A-half) & Thursday (B-half) Work on math-related work during lunch Ask Mrs. Samara to sign at the end of lunch or during class Will not get student engagement points for attending more than 4.
Stay Organized! Keeping your BINDER organized is the key to success in this class! You will receive MANY papers throughout the year and you must have a system to keep up with them. Organizing your Binder: By Unit, or By Assignment Type Keep a place/binder at home for old material
Absences YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE for getting your missed Notes and HW from Weebly IF YOU ARE ABSENT FOR A Quiz or Test, you will be completing it the next day in class ABSENT MORE THAN ONE DAY? You will need to see me to work out a schedule with you to get caught up
Tardies Hall Pass 1st and 3rd period: Report to Office for Pass 2nd and 4th period: Sign into Tardy Binder Hall Pass Fill out pass on clipboard Take Clipboard with you
Cell Phone Policy Using your phone during class, unless instructed by Mrs. Samara, is NOT allowed. If you need to use the bathroom during a test, you are required to hand me your phone before leaving If you continue to use your phone (and/or listen to music) even after two warnings, you will be written up and referred to an administrator.
Charging Electronics Outlets in our classroom are NOT to be used for charging cell phones or any electronic devices. Any phones being charged will be taken and turned into an administrator.
Laptops Classroom Cart Available Check your group’s laptop number based off of the desk you are sitting in Your responsibility to be careful and plug back in when done (in correct spot) NO FOOD around laptops
Earn 5 SE points for joining! Remind 101 Text: 81010 Message: @math3hsam Earn 5 SE points for joining!
Tonight’s Homework Student Info Form: Parents and students should go online to fill out and submit this google doc Part II of Pre-Requisite skills packet
kahoot.it Back to School Quiz Take out your cell-phones or laptop and go to: kahoot.it