Mishaps What is a mishap? Why should I report my mishap? Any unplanned, unexpected or undesirable event causing injury, occupational illness, death, or property damage/loss. Why should I report my mishap? Chapter 5 - Auxiliary Manual Chapter 2 - Auxiliary Operations Policy Manual Surface Stan Team What training and PPE is working and what is not. Mishap reports could be the key to changing Auxiliary training methods and practices. 30 January 2009 N-Train 2009
Mishaps (con’t) What needs to be reported? Injury or Illnesses Coast Guard Auxiliary personnel injured while under orders which result in any of the following: death days away from work restricted duty transfer to another job medical treatment beyond first aid loss of consciousness Coast Guard Auxiliary personnel missing, or missing in action while under orders. 30 January 2009 N-Train 2009
More on Mishaps Property Damage Damage to non-Coast Guard facilities as a result of Coast Guard operations Personal property owned by Auxiliary units or Auxiliarists under orders that is damaged in the course of duty Other- To be reported regardless of injury, illness, or damage result Electrical Shocks Fires 30 January 2009 N-Train 2009
Mishap Reporting Reporting a mishap? Complete the Mishap Report Worksheet http://cgauxsurfaceops.us/Mishap.htm Once completed, click on the "Submit" button to e-mail it to the CG-5421-2 Print out a copy to be mailed to the Order Issuing Authority (OIA) for submission 30 January 2009 N-Train 2009