Helping Verbs, Flyswatter, and Close Reading Day 9 Helping Verbs, Flyswatter, and Close Reading
Objectives: Enjoy nature! Identify and understand informational text elements present in a nonfiction text. Utilize informational text elements to discern a main idea. Homework: Enjoy nature!
Agenda Warm Up Flyswatter Close Reading Packets Verbs Practice Informational text elements
Warm Up: Copy the following sentences . Label the simple subject and the verb. 1. He should have tried again. 2. The dog had suddenly come into the yard. 3. Has anyone taken out the trash? 4. Could they have been pointing at our car?
Flyswatter Game Rules: Two students come to the board and face toward the class. I will read a definition off and when I say “Go,” you can turn around and swat the word that goes with that definition. If you beat your opponent, the other student has to sit down and you get a point. It is important to be the fastest. If you hit the wrong answer, you have to wait 3 seconds to try again.
Adulterate Ambidextrous Augment Bereft Deploy Dour Fortitude Gape Gibe Guise Insidious Intimation Opulent Pliable Reiterate Stolid Tentative Unkempt Verbatim Warily
Close Reading Week 1 Turn in your close reading packets and get a laptop. Make sure you keep your answer sheet. Log onto Google Classroom and complete the online form using you answer sheet. No talking or sharing of answers. This will be an honor code violation.
Auxiliary/Helping “Verbs” “auxiliary” just means “helping” WARNING: Auxiliary verbs do not function as verbs. They HELP the main verb.
Auxiliary/Helping Verbs (sing to the tune of “Jingle Bells” for a handy mnemonic) be am is are was were been being has have had do did does can could shall will would should may might must
Auxiliary/Helping Verbs help the main verb express action or a state of being can speak may be has been named should have been caught
Auxiliary Verbs Verb Phrase A verb phrase has one main verb and one or more auxiliary verbs Many people in Africa can speak more than one language. The packages may be at 401 Maple Street.
should have been caught Verb Phrase “Math” auxiliary verb(s) + main verb = verb phrase There may be more than one auxiliary verb in a verb phrase. There is only one main verb in a verb phrase. It is always the LAST WORD in the verb phrase. The main verb is either action (speak, named, caught) or linking (be). can speak may be has been named should have been caught
Auxiliary Verb or Main Verb? The highlighted words can function as main verbs or auxiliary verbs. Can you tell which job each is doing? I am a teacher. I am writing a letter. We are hungry. The girls are playing ball. main verb auxiliary verb main verb auxiliary verb
Handy Tip for Verb Phrases Sometimes a verb phrase is interrupted by another part of speech, like an adverb. In a question, the subject often interrupts the verb phrase. Our school has always held a victory celebration when our team wins. Did you hear Jamie Foxx’s speech?
Group Exercise – Verb Worksheet Get into your pairs and sign onto classroom. Open the document from yesterday and Highlight the helping verbs in red. Each person needs to complete sections A-D. You will have 15 minutes to complete. Whatever you do not finish is homework.
Disney Article – Download one and get into your pairs Annotate for: Highlight main idea Meaning of title Relevance of pictures to text Add a sentence to the bottom explaining if a graph would have been helpful. Given the diction used, what position does the author take on the vaccination debate? When finished, compare your annotations. Give your partner two annotations to add to their reading.
Closure List three things you learned about nonfiction today. Describe two of the steps needed to understand nonfiction. Compose one question you still have regarding nonfiction.