Your Sexuality & Health Sexuality – everything about you as a male or female personally Sexuality has an impact on total health Total health = physical + emotional/mental + social
Physical Health All parts and systems of the body work well together Ability to withstand stresses of normal daily life
Physical health cont… As related to SEXUALITY – Practicing good health care of your reproductive system Regular physical exams Making decisions that protect your reproductive system (unwanted pregnancy, STDs, vaccines)
EMOTIONAL/MENTAL HEALTH How you accept and feel about yourself How well you relate to others Good E/M Health = In touch with emotions, expresses them in acceptable, healthful ways Able to deal w/problems & frustrations of life w/out being overwhelmed by them
E/M Health cont…. 2 Basic Emotional Needs 1. Need for love & belonging Social beings = need other people 2. Feel that we have personal value or worth
E/M Health cont… Self-Concept = the mental image you have about yourself Unique set of perceptions, ideas, and attitudes YOU have about YOURSELF Began to form as soon as you were born Most important factor influencing what you do
E/M Health cont… AS RELATED TO SEXUALITY: Learning to communicate effectively and to express, understand, and handle sexual feelings Healthy sexuality also means learning more about yourself & improving your self concept
SOCIAL HEALTH The way you get along with others Includes ability to make AND keep friends Work and play in cooperative ways Seek & lend support when necessary Communicating is essential to social health
Social Health cont… As related to SEXUALITY – Meeting new people, dating, developing a variety of relationships.
How you get along with others All organ systems working together How you feel about yourself Erika repeatedly has unprotected sex. By doing this she increases her risk for unplanned pregnancy and contraction of an STD. Which aspect of the health triangle is Erika neglecting? SELF CONCEPT TAGS ACTIVITY TOMORROW
Decision Making Model People are continuously faced w/choices that can have positive or negative effects on their total health When faced with a tough decision it may help to break down the decision into smaller steps
1. STATE THE SITUATION Be sure you have a firm grasp on the problem How did it develop? Who else is involved? How much time until a decision HAS to be made?
2. LIST THE POSSIBLE OPTIONS What are your choices? How many options are there? Just 1? 2? More than 2?
3. WEIGH THE POSSIBLE OUTCOMES Consider the positive & negative outcomes of each option Is it safe/legal? Are the risks reasonable? How will it effect my total health? How will it effect others? Will it lead to other problems? Think about your goals!
4. CONSIDER YOUR VALUES What is important to YOU? Hard Work Respect Sports Honesty Education Loyalty Family Financial Stability
5. MAKE A DECISION & ACT Use all information to decide which course to take – then DO IT! May need to start over if you find something new or run out of time
6. EVALUATE YOUR DECISION What was the outcome? How did it differ from what I expected? What have I learned for next time? (decision – making model activity)
ADOLESCENCE a time of change
Endocrine system works with nervous system to regulate body functions Made up of glands that secrete hormones
Hormones Substances that regulate the activities of different body cells and organs Used in small amounts Carried by blood
PUBERTY The period of growth from childhood to adulthood Growth spurt depends on genetic inheritance Not all people go through at the same rate Not all body parts go through at the same rate Set in motion by hormones!!!!! Cause new feelings and sensations Body responds differently
What changes happen to girls? Get taller and heavier Bones grow bigger and heavier Hips get wider and more curvy Face changes shape Voice gets a little deeper Hair grows under the armpits, around the genitals (pubic hair) Hair on arms and legs grows darker Breasts get larger Body sweats more Internal and external sex organs grow May have mood swings, sexual thoughts and feelings
What changes happen to boys? Grow taller and heavier Bones grow bigger and heavier Nose and jaw get bigger and face gets longer Get more muscles Hair and skin can become oily and you may get pimples Body sweats more Hair grows on the face, under the armpits, around the genitals (pubic hair). May get more hair on arms, legs and chest. Voice gets deeper Penis and testicles grow Scrotum changes May have mood swings, sexual thoughts and feelings
HORMONES Have a central role during puberty Hormones that activate the growth spurt during puberty are controlled by the hypothalamus (nerve center in the brain)
PITUITARY GLAND The gland that controls much of the endocrine system Located at the base of the brain Nerve impulses from hypothalamus stimulate the pituitary to release growth hormones 2 gonadotropic hormones are responsible for development of the gonads Gonads – reproductive organs Male = testes, Female = ovaries
PITUITARY GLAND cont…. Leutenizing Hormone (LH) Males – controls amount of testosterone produced Females – sudden release causes ovulation Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) Controls egg & sperm production
SCHEDULE FOR NEXT FEW DAYS… Rest of today: Partner up to complete the worksheet Complete the study guide on your own Thursday TEST FRIDAY MALE SLANG DAY…
Physical Health related to SEXUALITY – Practicing good health care of your reproductive system Regular physical exams Making decisions that protect your reproductive system (unwanted pregnancy, STDs, vaccines)
Mental/Emotional as RELATED TO SEXUALITY: Learning to communicate effectively and to express, understand, and handle sexual feelings Healthy sexuality also means learning more about yourself & improving your self concept
Social as related to SEXUALITY – Meeting new people, dating, developing a variety of relationships. Communication