Preparations for the triennium of IHO centenary celebrations (IHO-100) Agenda Item 7.1 Reference Document C2-7.1 C-2, London, United Kingdom, 9 – 11 October 2018
C-2, London, United Kingdom, 9 – 11 October 2018 Three important years in IHO history ahead of us 2019 will mark the centenary of the 1st International Hydrographic Conference, which was held in London in 1919. 2021 will be the centenary of the establishment of the International Hydrographic Bureau (IHB) in 1921 in Monaco as precursor of the current IHO Secretariat. In combination with the second Session of the IHO Assembly to be held in April 2020 this sequence forms a triennium period of celebration activities which aims to reflect the development and achievements of the Organization. C-2, London, United Kingdom, 9 – 11 October 2018
C-2, London, United Kingdom, 9 – 11 October 2018 Celebration activities have started already … The outreach actions for the centenary celebrations are intended to: raise awareness on hydrography, nautical charting and ocean mapping activities, highlight the importance of the IHO and its relations with Monaco, emphasize the IHO´s global scope of themes and commitments to promote the conduct of hydrography, underline the specific contribution of Member States and expose the close collaboration with specific United Nations bodies and Intergovernmental Organizations, namely IMO, IOC and IALA. C-2, London, United Kingdom, 9 – 11 October 2018
C-2, London, United Kingdom, 9 – 11 October 2018 Peak events and peak-of-the-peak event World Hydrography Day 2019 IHO Assembly April 2020 Peak-of-the-peak: World Hydrography Day 21th June 2021 UN Assembly September 2021 IMO Assembly November 2021 C-2, London, United Kingdom, 9 – 11 October 2018
C-2, London, United Kingdom, 9 – 11 October 2018 Associated activities 2019 January 2019: Oral history – provision of a series of video interviews of important contributors to the development of the Organization, namely: Chris Andreasen (USA) Guiseppe Angrisano (Italy) Mike Barritt (United Kingdom) Gilles Bessero (France) Dr Peter Ehlers (Germany) Alexandros Maratos (Greece) Dr Parry Oei (Singapore) Hugo Gorziglia (Chile) Robert Ward (Australia) C-2, London, United Kingdom, 9 – 11 October 2018
C-2, London, United Kingdom, 9 – 11 October 2018 Associated activities 2019 (2) April 2019: Exhibition on "Historical Nautical Charts and Mediterranean" displayed at the Monaco Yacht Club World Hydrography Day 2019: Release of the renewed IHO website in combination with the new corporate design for all sorts of media and decoration of the Secretariat. International Symposium on “A Historical Approach for Measurements and Protection of Oceans and World Waters’’ to be held at the Oceanographic Museum of Monaco. (Note call for papers by CL32/2018) C-2, London, United Kingdom, 9 – 11 October 2018
C-2, London, United Kingdom, 9 – 11 October 2018 Associated activities 2020 April 2020: IHO Assembly Half day special session on IHO-100 Joint Member States Chart Exhibition: 100 years of Sea Cartography MS are encouraged to deliver one display showing a specific sea area as historic chart, as INT-chart and as ENC displayed on ECDIS Presentation of the Prestige book “100 Years of International Cooperation in Hydrography (working title)” – Editorial Board established; Authors started to work. 2020/2021: Exhibition at the Oceanographic Museum of Monaco to highlight the close relationship between the IHO and the Principality of Monaco in June 2020/2021. C-2, London, United Kingdom, 9 – 11 October 2018
C-2, London, United Kingdom, 9 – 11 October 2018 Associated activities 2021 21th June 2021: Peak-of-the-peak - World Hydrography Day 2021 One Day High level Symposium in Monaco (on a Vessel (?); back to back with IRCC) Special guests: Albert II, Secretary-General United Nations Adoption of a Resolution about the relevance of hydrography to be forwarded to United Nations Assembly September 2021: UN Assembly Submission of the IHO Resolution November 2021: IMO Assembly Presentation of IHO to highlight the contribution to safety of navigation C-2, London, United Kingdom, 9 – 11 October 2018
C-2, London, United Kingdom, 9 – 11 October 2018 The Council is invited to discuss and agree on proposed activities for the IHO-100 celebrations; support the IHO Secretariat with specific contributions on request; approve the topic as standing IHO Council Agenda item for the triennium period; take note of the additional costs evolving from this activities and it´s coverage from the Special Project Fund; and take any other actions that may be appropriate. C-2, London, United Kingdom, 9 – 11 October 2018