Measuring Environmental Sustainability Report of TF2 of the Sponsorship on measuring progress, well-being and sustainable development DIMESA Point 6 of agenda Brussels, 26 May 2011
The Task Force Started about one year ago. Participants DE, F, SE, UK, CH, NL, PO, UNECE, OECD. Chairs SI and Eurostat. Secretary Report now nearly final (final end June?). First time it is presented to DIMESA. Last week presented to UNCEEA Method followed. Division in chapters, editing teams per chapter. Three physical meetings. Much work between meetings. 26 May 2011 Measuring resource efficiency Pedro Díaz Muñoz 2/11 2
The Report Avoid to overlap with parallel initiatives aiming at developing indicators (OECD Green Growth, UNECE, Eurostat OECD Sustainable Development Indicators…) Focus on what should be done, what should not be done, what could be done with caution, and how should be done Propose some actions to improve international convergence by homogeneous development, and to fill most important gaps Three chapters: 1. Principles, 2. Recommendations and Good Practices. 3. From Recommendations to Actions 26 May 2011 Measuring resource efficiency Pedro Díaz Muñoz 3/11 3
Recommendations when developing a set of indicators Use as framework the Integrated System of Environmental Economic Accounts complemented conceptually with the Capital Approach Rely to a large degree on already existing data from official or non official sources Small number. The desired direction of the indicator should be defined and if possible a target set. Dialogue policy makers-statisticians When aggregation is possible Caution when expressing indicators in monetary units Composite indicators not recommended Analytical power of the accounting framework Producer and consumer perspective Encourage the dialogue between ProFocus on what should be done, what should not be done, what could be done with caution, and how should be done Propose some actions to improve international convergence by homogeneous development, and to fill most important gaps Three chapters: 1. Principles, 2. Recommendations, 3. From Recommendations to Actions 26 May 2011 Measuring resource efficiency Pedro Díaz Muñoz 4/11 4
Overview of current situation: From Recommendations to Actions (1) Overview of current situation: Different indicators used hamper international comparability Scarcity of data from Environmental accounts Lack of indicators on natural assets Limited capacity to measure impacts from consumer perspective 26 May 2011 Measuring resource efficiency Pedro Díaz Muñoz 5/11 5
Three priority level / Medium-long term: From Recommendations to Actions (2) Three priority level / Medium-long term: Energy flow Accounts Indicators related to Climate Change. Improving timeliness Regular Production of EE-SUIOT Asset accounts for natural resources EGSS Raw Materials Consumption indicators Use of LU/LC to build indicators on lanscape and biodiversity Consolidate simplified EPEA Improve Water Statistics and develop Water accounts Improve existing indicators on Waste and Waste accounts 26 May 2011 Measuring resource efficiency Pedro Díaz Muñoz 6/11 6
Next Steps Final report end June TF4 now drafting a summary report for the Sponsorship Sponsorship meeting in September Complete report: Syntesis (TF4) and reports from TF 1-3 to be presented to ESSC for adoption in November 2011 What next? Role of DIMESA 26 May 2011 Measuring resource efficiency Pedro Díaz Muñoz 7/11 7
Request to DIMESA Discuss how can it be used at national and EU level Comment on the content of the report Discuss how can it be used at national and EU level Discuss how to enhance its visibility Discuss the role of DIMESA 26 May 2011 Measuring resource efficiency Pedro Díaz Muñoz 8/11 8