Part 2: End of Year Waves Project
For part 2… Now that you’ve completed part 1 for your waves project, you have a basic introduction to your topic. In part 2 you will complete a BROCHURE that describe the history of your topic in detail. SEE DEMO
For Part 2… See the Rubric for details concerning information required for this section. Be sure to include famous people (more than one (1) famous person…so have at least two (2).) Early Inventions/Discoveries about your topic Early ideas/beliefs about your topic AND how it was used first Also include early technology concerning your topic
As always… MAKE IT NEAT, CLEAN, COLORFUL, and CREATIVE! This does not have to be just on a computer based program, it can be home made. Make sure you include resources
In summary You are making a brochure about the history of your topic See the rubric for details pertaining to what information is required. Make it look nice and be creative! We will discuss the due date on Monday.