Evidence for Evolution Review Hour 2 Trimester 3
Common Descent We have five pieces of evidence for this idea: Homologous Structures Fossil record Geographic distribution of similar species Similarities in early stage of development Similarities in genetic sequences, DNA
The fossil record- some organisms went through drastic change while others went extinct or stayed relatively the same over time.
Geographic distribution of living species The presence of similar but unrelated organisms in similar environments suggests the action of natural selection
Homologous structures have different mature forms but develop from the same embryonic tissues. (Some homologous structures no longer serve major roles in descendants. If the structures are greatly reduced in size, they are called vestigial organs.
Similarities in early development The early stages, or embryos, of many animals are very similar.
DNA Similarities Many sequences of DNA show common descent of organisms. These pieces of matching DNA code for traits found in animals that are closely related.
Fossil Record: The collection of all of the known remains of ancient species
Geographic Distribution: Evidence for common ancestry because it shows that organisms in similar environments can adapt to their environments in similar ways. Environment affects species’ traits.
Homologous Structures Different mature forms (and functions) from the same embryonic tissues.
Co-evolution: is when a species directly influences the evolution of another species and both populations evolve in parallel.
Adaptive radiation the pattern of adaptation that isolates a species into two separate lineages
Flash Cards: Evolution Artificial selection Natural selection Variation Competition Fossil Record Embryology Common ancestry Adaptive radiation Co-evolution Geographic Distribution Homologous Structures Vestigial Organs