doc.: IEEE 802.11-98/xxx Mika Kasslin TGh chair March 15, 2001 Month 1998 doc.: IEEE 802.11-98/xxx March 2001 TGh Report Mika Kasslin TGh chair March 15, 2001 Mika Kasslin, Nokia John Doe, His Company
Objectives Discuss regulatory requirements: Done March 2001 Objectives Discuss regulatory requirements: Done Revisit Selection Process document: Done Review proposals: Done 01/160: Thoughts about TPC 01/169: DFS/DCS and TPC for 802.11h 01/001: TPC for 802.11h Mika Kasslin, Nokia
Future Plans Issue a final CfP with a cut-off date March 2001 Future Plans Issue a final CfP with a cut-off date Steps 4-6 in Selction Process, 01/093r1 Two teleconferences before the May 2001 meeting (dates tbd) May 01 meeting objectives: Review the proposals Select the DFS/DCS and TPC mechanisms Create draft Mika Kasslin, Nokia
March 2001 TGh Motion Close the proposal submission period for TGh on April 14, 2001 Move: Bill McFarland Second: Chris Hansen. Vote: 3-0-1 Mika Kasslin, Nokia