What is user acceptance testing and how is it different than system testing Kusum daga
comparison OF uat AND System testing User Acceptance Testing Testing performed by the actual end-users of the software product before the software is deployed to all users of the system System Testing Testing performed by the software team before the software is considered complete and turned over to users
comparison OF uat AND System testing Attribute System Testing User Acceptance Testing WHAT Testing performed as part of SDLC to test that all components of the system work per the product specifications Testing performed directly by a small group of actual users WHY To ensure that the bugs are identified and fixed before deployment to the users To ensure that the team understands how the software will be used in the real-world (which may not be understood by the QA engineers) and make fixed if-needed To develop training materials before the software is deployed to all users WHO This testing is performed by the software team, primarily by the QA engineers who could be assisted by the software engineers themselves (at least in bug fixing) Performed directly by the end-users, generally by a small group of friendly users WHEN System testing is done during both types of sprints – development and release During the final release sprint, team performs lots of tests to test the working of all the components together, i.e. ensuring the entire system as developed works well, and that all dependencies (on other systems) have been tested Done at the end of the release sprint, when the software is considered complete by the software team, i.e. after all the System Testing has been performed WHERE Performed on the QA servers Performed on the UAT servers