chronic constant chron (time)
hyperbole extreme exaggeration hyper (over)+ bole (throw)
sonorous full-sounding; loud son (sound) + ous (full of)
germane related germ (vital / related)
convivial friendly, fond of company con (together) + viv (life)
cognomen nickname cogn (know) + nomen (name)
anarchist one against government an (without) + archy (government)
animadversion criticism anim (mind) + ad (to) + vert (turn)
pusillanimous cowardly pusill (very small) + anim (mind) + ous (full of)
subterfuge deception; trick sub (below) + fug (flee)
saturnine gloomy and distant Saturn + ine (nature of)
luminary person most admired in a profession lum (light)
exorbitant unreasonable ex (out) + orb (circle)
expatriate ex (out) + patria (native land) banish / one who moves abroad ex (out) + patria (native land)
filigree lacy design fil (thread) + granum (grain)
eulogy words of praise eu (good) + log (word)
sedentary sitting most of the time sed (sit)
euphoria feeling of extreme happiness eu (good) + phor (carry)
bonhomie good-naturedness bon (good) + homme (man)
bona fide authentic bon (good) + fid (faith)
bon vivant indulger in luxury bon (good) + viv (life)
mutable changeable muta (change) + able
impute attribute fault or responsibility im (into) + put (think)
status quo present state status (state) + quo (in which)
paradigm model para (beside) + digm = dicere (show)