Issues Surrounding Digital Access Question 1.1 Ramifications of Digital Divide Social| Knowledge | Human Capital Solutions Ways to help Government
Social Capital Social capital is an economic idea that refers to the connections between individuals and entities that can be economically valuable. Social networks that include people who trust and assist each other can be a powerful asset. These relationships between individuals and firms can lead to a state in which each will think of the other when something needs to be done. Along with economic capital, social capital is a valuable mechanism in economic growth. For example, if you know someone at a company where you are applying for a job and this connection helps you get the job at the company, you have used social capital. Social capital can also have negative effects. For example, if a social network is used for manipulative or destructive purposes that will affect the economy negatively, such as when a group colludes to fix market prices. Reference: Social Capital Definition | Investopedia Follow us: Investopedia on Facebook [Accessed 30 May 2016]
Knowledge Capital An intangible asset that comprises the information and skills of a company's employees, their experience with business processes, group work and on-the-job learning. Knowledge capital is not like the physical factors of production - land, labor and capital - in that it is based on skills that employees share with each other in order to improve efficiencies, rather than on physical items. Having employees with skills and access to knowledge capital puts a company at a comparative advantage to its competitors. Reference: Knowledge Capital Definition | Investopedia Follow us: Investopedia on Facebook [Accessed 30 May 2016]
Human Capital Human capital is a measure of the economic value of an employee's skill set. This measure builds on the basic production input of labor measure where all labor is thought to be equal. The concept of human capital recognizes that not all labor is equal and that the quality of employees can be improved by investing in them. The education, experience and abilities of an employee have an economic value for employers and for the economy as a whole. Reference: Human Capital Definition | Investopedia Follow us: Investopedia on Facebook [Accessed 30 May 2016]
Ramifications of Digital Divide Without digital access or knowledge of technology and how to use it, it will make it difficult for a society to grow because its people will be illiterate. Helping to provide, educate and expand access to technology should be a goal of the government. We need to keep in mind that not everyone will have access to the digital world and there may be some who have limited access so we need to provide reasonable access to those who are not able to access by themselves we must help each other. Or else the people wont be knowledgeable about what's happening in the world and they will also not be good employees because of a lack of skill and if the people cant work the whole society will not develop
Solutions Because not all people are able to use or access technology. Educating other people and allowing them access to the internet is the first step to embracing digital citizenship. At this day and age the world is becoming more and more technologically advanced which means that eventually everyone will need to know how to use the internet or a technological device people such as employees of a company will need to learn how to operate technological equipment in the workplace and in order for businesses to also develop and prosper they will have to buy and start using more advanced equipment. So government will have to start helping out people in their countries by implementing more technology to kids from a young age so that when they grownup they will be computer savvy and they will be one step ahead to becoming good digital citizens and in the end it will benefit the country to which those citizens belong.
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