What’s the difference between a mineral and a rock? The Launch Pad Wednesday, 2/22/17 1/3 What’s the difference between a mineral and a rock?
2/3 The Launch Pad Wednesday, 2/22/17 A mineral is a naturally occurring, solid chemical substance that has a characteristic chemical composition that can be expressed by chemical symbols and formulas. Examples of minerals include gold (Au), calcite (CaCO3), and halite (NaCl.)
Examples of rocks include granite, limestone, and marble. The Launch Pad Wednesday, 2/22/17 3/3 A rock is a mixture of minerals and does not have a specific chemical composition. Examples of rocks include granite, limestone, and marble.
The Elements of the Rock-Forming Minerals The eight elements that compose most (98.5%) rock-forming minerals are oxygen (O), silicon (Si), aluminum (Al), iron (Fe), calcium (Ca), sodium (Na), potassium (K), and magnesium (Mg). The most abundant atoms in Earth’s crust are oxygen (46.6% by weight) and silicon (27.7% by weight) Composition of the Continental Crust
The Rock Cycle The Rock Cycle is the Earth system that depicts the interrelationships among the three general categories of rocks.
The Rock Cycle Molten magma in the upper mantle rises into the lithosphere, where it cools and crystallizes to form igneous rock. Over time, this igneous rock is weathered (eroded) by liquid water, ice and/or wind into sediment. The sediment is eventually deposited in layers, which are compacted by the weight of the layers above. The process of cementation forms sedimentary rocks. This is called lithification. Over time heat from below and pressure from above can cause these sedimentary rocks to change form and change into metamorphic rock. If subjected to continuing heat and pressure, the metamorphic rocks can melt to become magma and the cycle begins again.
The Rock Cycle sediment IGNEOUS ROCK weathering from wind and water cooling and crystallization (solidification) compaction pressure (lithification) The Rock Cycle lava SEDIMENTARY ROCK heat and pressure (morphing) rising to surface extreme heat (melting) magma METAMORPHIC ROCK
The Rock Cycle The full cycle does not always take place due to “shortcuts” or interruptions. Sedimentary rock melts Sedimentary rock is weathered Metamorphic rock weathers Igneous rock is metamorphosed
What are the three major types of rocks? The Launch Pad Thursday, 2/23/17 1/2 What are the three major types of rocks? sedimentary igneous metamorphic
Identify the type of rock in each picture. The Launch Pad Thursday, 2/23/17 2/2 Identify the type of rock in each picture. igneous metamorphic sedimentary