Social Interaction, Groups & Organizations By Stacy Zeller-Mayo Rome 2007
Social Interaction Two or more people taking one another into account.
Nonverbal (Social Interaction 1) Body Movement Gestures Eye Contact Touch Personal Space
2. Exchange 3. Cooperation
Conflict (Social Interaction 4) People struggle with one another for something Not always negative Competition
Power Authority—legitimate power Coercion—illegitimate power
Status A recognizable social position that an individual occupies. Conley Ascribed Achieved
Status Set All the statuses one holds simultaneously. Student Daughter Conley Student Daughter Tennis Player Chinese
Status symbol Master status One status within a set that stands out our overrides all others. Conley Residenz Museum, Germany 2006
Role The duties and behaviors expected of someone who holds a particular status. Conely Role Set All the roles attached to a single status
Role strain
Role conflict
Groups Primary Secondary
Groups Reference Groups In-groups A group that helps us to understand or make sense of our position in society relative to other groups. Conley In-groups the majority Out-groups the minority
Social Network A set of relations The strength of weak ties Mark Granovetter (1973) Social Capital Any relationship between people that can facilitate the actions of others.