The Partnership’s primary support is a $22 million dollar grant over five years from the National Science Foundation (NSF).
Partners include 51 Rural School districts in KY, TN and VA 9 Higher education institutions in the Central Appalachian region
AMSP seeks to reform and strengthen math and science instruction in pre K-16 classrooms in the region.
Student’s performance will be improved through the collaboration of all partners. A first step will be to eliminate the math and science achievement gap in the Central Appalachian region.
Part of AMSP’s strategy is to help establish a coordinated elementary, secondary and higher education system.
The system will feature a continuum of learning in which all partners capitalize on opportunities to be both teachers and learners.
The four major related program initiatives are: Pre-service teacher and administrator education Professional development of pre K-16 personnel Student learning opportunities, including parent/community engagement Research in science and mathematics education that can positively impact the region.
The summer workshops are examples of professional development activities. The summer workshops are strongly related to the other three initiatives.
This summer we are offering three workshops in probability and statistics for middle school teachers, one workshop in geometry for middle school teachers, and five two-day workshops in communicating mathematics
Stipends of $100 for each full day of active participation will be paid. Lunches and snacks will be provided. Allowable travel expenses will be reimbursed.
A mentoring program to be described later in the workshop will encourage and assist with implementation. We expect teachers to serve as both mentors and mentees in a peer mentoring system now being finalized.
Implementation in your classrooms is essential if the regional achievement gap is to be closed.
Your cooperation in helping us document the effectiveness of the workshops and obtain data to improve future AMSP initiatives is necessary and very much appreciated.
The instructional team at this workshop, supported by the work of a larger group of partners, has made extensive preparations for these two weeks. Make the most of it! Enjoy!