Alliance Changes in 1917 and16 Mark Q Practice
Sinking of the Lusitania Who do you think was to blame? Why? Experts agree the sinking of the Lusitania broke international law and set a dangerous precedent, yet who was to blame for such a large loss of life? The Germans Captain Turner The British Admiralty The passengers
Impact of the Changes in Allied Forces Which do you think had the biggest impact on the war going into 1918? A: America entering the War B: Russia leaving the War
Practice Q ‘The main reason for the outbreak of war in 1914 was the German invasion of neutral Belgium.’ How far do you agree with this statement? Explain your answer
Level 2 Simple explanation of stated factor or other factor(s) 5–8 Answer demonstrates specific knowledge and understanding that is relevant to the question Answer demonstrates a simple, sustained line of reasoning which is coherent, structured, substantiated and explicitly relevant. Answers arguing a preference for one judgement but with only basic explanation of another view will be marked at this level. Students may progress from a basic explanation of causation by simple reasoning and supporting it with factual knowledge and understanding.
Level 3 Developed explanation of the stated factor and other factor(s) 9–12 Answer demonstrates a range of accurate knowledge and understanding that is relevant to the question Answer demonstrates a developed, sustained line of reasoning which has coherence and logical structure; it is well substantiated, and with sustained, explicit relevance. Extends Level 2. Answer may suggest that one reason has greater merit. Students may progress from a simple explanation of causation with developed reasoning supported by factual knowledge and understanding.
Level 4 Complex explanation of stated factor and other factor(s) leading to a sustained judgement 13–16 Answer demonstrates a range of accurate and detailed knowledge and understanding that is relevant to the question Answer demonstrates a complex, sustained line of reasoning which has a sharply-focused coherence and logical structure that is fully substantiated, with well-judged relevance. Extends Level 3. Students may progress from a developed explanation of causation by complex explanation of the relationship between causes supported by detailed factual knowledge and understanding to form a sustained judgement.
Planning: Intro Intro: Explain ‘main reason’ briefly outline the different possible ‘main reasons’ and state your view: E.g. The main reason for the outbreak of World War one would be the one that was most important in causing the war. There are a number of reasons for the out break of the war such as…… Although all these reasons played a part in causing the war….. Was the main reason as without this World War I would not have taken place in 1914 because…
Paragraphs Point: The invasion of neutral Belgium by Germany was the main cause of the outbreak of World War 1 because it broke the Treaty of London and brought Britain into the war/ Germany was trying to quickly defeat France who would have to respond/ It triggered the alliance system involving…. Evidence Explanation/ Evaluation Write three paragraphs that suggest Germany was to blame for the war. For top marks try to link together the different reasons
Balance You need to show that there are different possible answer: For example Austria- Hungary could be blamed: Austria’s intention to crush Serbian nationalism coinciding with the assassination provided the opportunity, and Germany’s unconditional support summed up by the Kaiser’s statement, ‘Whatever comes from Vienna, to me, is a command’. The actions were taken despite the suspicion that Russia would intervene and this would spark general war between the Alliance systems. Write two paragraphs arguing why Germany was not fully to blame. For top marks try to link reasons/ factors
Conclusion Explain your view of how much blame should be given to Germany for World War I starting. Link to points you have made earlier in your essay.
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