Ag.2, Ag.3 Actions from 2012 A64WG and 2013 Ag65WG Doc.A64/12/27 REV Doc.A65/13/16 REV Ag.2, Ag.3 Actions from 2012 A64WG and 2013 Ag65WG Working Group on Art 64 & Art 65 of the Staff Regulations Meeting in Luxembourg on 27 September 2013
Content of this presentation Action points from 2012 A64WG final minutes – doc. A64/12/27 REV Action points from 2013 A65WG final minutes – doc. A65/13/16 REV
Doc A64/12/27 REV STATUS 1 ESTAT to circulate draft minutes of 3.5.2012 annual meeting of A64WG DONE. Onto CIRCABC 4.5.2012 with deadline 16.5.2012 Comments from DG BUDG and Germany Final: onto CIRCABC 4.6.2012 2 ESTAT to make powerpoint presentations available from 3.5.2012 meeting DONE. Onto CIRCABC 4.6.2012 3 Commission to investigate with Council Secretariat and Presidency how meeting minutes could be circulated to Council Groupe Statut DONE. (by DGHR) 4 ESTAT to circulate track change amendments for relevant sections of the minutes to the 14.11.2011 meeting DONE. Onto CIRCABC 4.4.2012 Final: see A65/11B/04 REV3 5 ESTAT to implement work plan as presented DONE. 6 ESTAT to foresee revision of additional methodological manuals if reforms to the Staff Regulations are adopted TOPIC FOR THIS MEETING. See doc.A64/13/26 and /27
Doc A64/12/27 REV, continued STATUS 7 Eurostat to research and propose a specific date for the organisation of technical workshops for non sample countries if provisional date of autumn meeting of A65WG (27 September 2012) is not retained DONE. Date maintained (focus on remuneration data) 8 ESTAT to put systems in place to allow continuation of this work, notably regarding meeting arrangements and ongoing collaboration with international organisations DONE. Draft revisions to Staff Regulations retained/modified as necessary
Doc A65/13/16 REV STATUS 1 ESTAT to circulate draft minutes of 22.3.2013 meeting of A65WG. DONE. On CIRCABC 26.3.2013 with deadline 31.10.2012 Comments from Italy Final: this meeting 2 ESTAT to make powerpoint presentations available DONE. On CIRCABC 3 ESTAT to launch eDAMIS procedure in June 2013 to compile Standard Remuneration Questionnaires DONE. Email 21.6.2013 4 ESTAT to transmit intermediate Adjustment Report as soon as possible after the meeting to DG HR DONE. Ares 20.6.2013 (delay to clarify legal situation). 5 ESTAT to follow up with Italy on the issues raised with respect to the changes in the Italian pension schemes in late 2012 DONE. Minutes revised 6 ESTAT to agree with PL and ES on dates for missions DONE. Spain 24.4.2013 (Poland autumn 2013) 7 ESTAT to incorporate explanation given in A65/13/12 (control indicators) as a new appendix to the method manual A65/08/08 DONE. See also this meeting.