Component: E Local quakes Broad frequency Two tremor bursts AZ.PFO PB.B084 PB.B084 PB.B084 spectrogram PB.B084 3-4 Hz band-pass filtered Local quakes Broad frequency Two tremor bursts Peaked at 4 Hz
Component: N AZ.PFO PB.B084 PB.B084 spectrogram PB.B084 3-4 Hz band-pass filtered
Component: Z Two tremor bursts Peaked at 10 Hz AZ.PFO PB.B084 PB.B084 spectrogram PB.B084 3-4 Hz band-pass filtered Two tremor bursts Peaked at 10 Hz
Spectra of tremor burst in the S wave (t~1650s) Peak at 3-4 Hz in horizontal components Peak at ~10 Hz in vertical component