DITA Adoption Technical Committee CHARTER The OASIS DITA Adoption Technical Committee (ATC) provides expertise and resources to assist content development groups adopting DITA. Conversely, the ATC meets with current groups currently using DITA to determine what obstacles they face in expanding or preserving their current investments in DITA. The ATC meets every other Monday at 12:00PM/EST. Consider joining OASIS and the ATC. ATC MEMBERS Stan Doherty (Secretary), Greg Emil, Chris Goolsby, Scott Hudson, Kathy Madison, Keith Schengili-Roberts (Chair), and Joe Storbeck ONLINE RESOURCES DITA knowledgebase -- http://dita.xml.org OASIS web site: https://www.oasis-open.org/ DITA Adoption wiki -- https://wiki.oasis-open.org/dita-adoption DITA Adoption OASIS home page: - https://www.oasis-open.org/committees/tc_home.php?wg_abbrev=dita-adoption DITA Adoption Slideshare Group: - http://www.slideshare.net/DITA_Adoption DITA Adoption Twitter Handle = @DITA_Adoption SAMPLE WHITEPAPERS The conference mobile app contains a sampling of recent Adoption TC whitepapers: DITA-Adoption_2017_tbd.pdf DITA-Adoption_2018_tbd.pdf GET INVOLVED New articles for dita.xml.org (contact Keith.Roberts@ixiasoft.com) Technical whitepapers on features (contact JStorbeck@janacorp.com) Regional DITA "listening sessions" (contact Stan@ModularWriting.com) DITA Forum (contact gemil@zenoss.com)