Purpose of Looks Like - Sounds Like Exercise The looks like – sounds like activity is a way for students to have input on how they will interact with classmates during collaborative work. Use the following slides as a guide for: Introducing the lesson/activity students will complete in class today Directing students in creating their group norms for their collaborative work Delete this slide when you finish preparing the other slides.
Looks Like – Sounds Like <insert classroom name>
Lesson Introduction Introduce today’s lesson or recap yesterday’s lesson Explain students will be working in groups and, before they begin their work, they need to determine what their learning will look like and sound like in class today
What will today’s lesson look like? What will today’s lesson sound like?
Norms Create some norms for student’s “Looks Like – Sounds Like” discussion; examples include listen to each other, take turns talking, a time limit, etc.
Brainstorm Group(s) Brainstorm Grouping Brainstorm Grouping Expectations Expectations Expectations
Timer Insert a timer here for the amount of time you would like students to brainstorm as you walk around, listen, and discuss ideas with them See the notes section for ideas on what a lesson could look/sound like
LOOKS LIKE SOUNDS LIKE Looks like sounds like Type or ink answers students suggest- modifying language as necessary Looks like sounds like
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