Cilantro dōTERRA® Product Tools dōTERRA® Product Tools Coriandrum sativum dōTERRA® Product Tools dōTERRA® University dōTERRA® Product Tools
dōTERRA® Product Tools dōTERRA® Product Tools Plant Part: Leaf Collection Method: Steam distillation Main Constituent(s): Decenal, linalool dōTERRA® Product Tools dōTERRA® University dōTERRA® Product Tools
Key Benefits Assists with efficient digestion* Rich in antioxidants Powerful internal cleanser and detoxifier* Gives food a fresh and tasty flavor dōTERRA® Product Tools dōTERRA® University dōTERRA® Product Tools
dōTERRA® Product Tools dōTERRA® Product Tools - Diffuse for a fresh, clean-smelling, herbal aroma Internal Usage Suggestions - Add to salads or dips for a distinct flavor - Place one to two drops in a dōTERRA Veggie Cap to experience Cilantro’s cleansing and detoxifying effect* - Take in a veggie cap to assist with digestion Can be applied undiluted dōTERRA® Product Tools dōTERRA® University dōTERRA® Product Tools
dōTERRA® Product Tools dōTERRA® Product Tools Linalool, a monoterpene alcohol which is one of the primary constituents of cilantro essential oil, is used by pest professionals as a flea, fruit fly, and cockroach insecticide. dōTERRA® Product Tools dōTERRA® University dōTERRA® Product Tools
dōTERRA® Product Tools dōTERRA® Product Tools dōTERRA® University dōTERRA® Product Tools