Can the Government Govern? Renewing Democracy Helping the Americans Left Behind Living Longer Economic Good times
Economic Inequality Good news Bad News unemployment is very low, 3.7% per capita income grew 9.4% since 1992 Bad News wages 8.4% below 1979 level family income is up 9% since 1979, hours worked increased by 19% 31% of WI jobs pay $8.20 an hour, poverty wages
Rampant Inequality 99% of income gains from 1979 to 94 went to top 5% of income distribution top .1% of Americans have 20% of national income CEO compensation is now 326 times the average worker in 1980, 20 times worker
Health Care Reform Clinton Health Care Reform Package Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act Patient Bill of Rights
Implications for Governance Rise of symbolic politics Faith in incremental solutions limits of divided government 1997 balanced budget agreement politics by other means Declining turnout and faith in government
Solutions? Jefferson on Citizenship "I know of no safe depository of the ultimate powers of the society but the people themselves, and if we think them not enlightened enough to exercise their control with a wholesome discretion, the remedy is not to take it from them, but to inform their discretion by education."
Evaluations Power point presentations?? Web page and lecture postings?? Web assignments– history Ideas for improvement Parts you liked Parts you hated