How much is too much? Photography Ethics
Is Our Perception of Beauty Distorted?
What is changed? In 2004, an Anti-Kerry campaign was run to tarnish his name. This picture shows Kerry associating with Jane Fonda a vilified anti-war protester.
What was changed The picture was mocked up to look like a news clipping from the ‘70s. The composite of two different images were of Kerry taken on June 13, 1971 and of Jane Fonda taken in August, 1972.
Why change the photo? Persuade voters Ruin a reputation
Too much or not enough? Too much Total lie Total lie because photos were taken two totally different years
What is real and what is not? In the summer of 1994, O.J. Simpson was arrested for the murders of his ex-wife Nicole Smith and her friend. News publications were plastering his mugshot everywhere as it was turning out to be the trial of the Century.
Why change the photo? Drama More guilty Dark mood
Too much or not enough? Too much Not a smart choice Money talks Notably, TIME Magazine published an edition featuring an altered mugshot, removing the photograph’s color saturation (which some accused of making Simpson’s skin darker), burning the corners, and reducing the size of the prisoner ID number. This appeared on newsstands right next to an unaltered picture by Newsweek.
You choose a famous photo You choose a famous photo from the article links provided Create a short presentation Present to the class what was changed and how it affected the photo Explain why this photo was significant