A Quilt of a Country Anna Quindlen Bryce Johnson Cj Cuff Isaiah Dunn
Anna Quindlen Is a best selling author Won Pulitzer Prize She wrote a column in New York Times
HISTORICAL BACKGROUND Sept. 2001 To help citizens understand our country during the terror attack. World Trade Center had just been attacked.
Summary The text is about our country and how it is like a quilt. It talks about how all men are created equally. It also talks about how awful the attack on the world trade center was. This text shows how all of the different ethnic groups came together to make the United States of America. It talks about how the country came together during a crisis.
RELEVANCE The text is important to our country because it helped many americans better understand how our country was formed and how it stands. This text is still around because it was written directly after the Sept. 11th terror attack.
LITERARY DEVICES 1. Simile “that seem discordant, like the crazy quilts that have been one” 2. Metaphor “Tolerance is a vanilla-pudding word” 3. Alliteration “That amid all the failures is something spectacularly successful”