A Brief Introduction to LD Jonathan Waters Grovetown High School
Topic Breakdown The first step to a LD debate is breaking down the topic. Students should define all major words in the topic Students should consider the implications of the topic (what is it really asking us about) Ask students questions about impacts…what is the impact if we affirm, what if we negate? Ask students to generate lists of reasons why we should affirm and why we should negate Then have students start brainstorming why those reasons would be faulty The purpose here is to get ideas generated Students should begin to consider values…what is important about this topic and what should we value? Is it about morality? Justice? Equality? Government? Etc.
Value/Criterion The topics are value based – they rely on the implementation of a type of value system to understand the round. Common values are: morality, equality, justice, economic stability, government legitimacy, etc. (they are ideas that debaters try to convinces judges are of upmost importance) The values are measured by criteria that usually revolves around a type of moral theory or argument. A common one is “utilitarianism” (generally referred to as “util”) These together work to frame the round. Values and Criteria should be malleable enough to fit in both sides of the argument. This is the most difficult part to explain to students. I sometimes describe Value/Criterion as an egg. If the egg breaks, the argument fails.
Argument Construction Sound arguments require good reasoning; therefore, the ideas generated to function as contentions need to be fleshed out. I tell the students to let the evidence be their guide. What do they discover and what can they prove with the evidence? While it may be easy to buy evidence briefs, the value of the learning comes from researching the topic themselves. They will be much more prepared if they understand their own reasoning. Each student should write their own argument. They should read their arguments to each other (and their coach) to look for holes. Sometimes I ask students basic questions and try and poke holes in their arguments. (That is my favorite part of my job.)
Rebuttals The Negative debater should begin rebuttals in their first speech. It’s a good idea to leave about two minutes (one minute for novice debaters who may not have much to say) to argue against the opponents case. (If they wait until their rebuttal speech, it is too late). The most difficult speech in the round is the 1AR – it’s only four minutes and the affirmative has to cover everything in the seven minute speech by negative. Word economy is key here. They need to be concise and specific and talk specifically about their case and their opponents case. The focus of the 2AR should mainly be voters and emphasis on points made in the 1AR. Nothing really new here…