Unit A: Leadership Development SMALL ANIMAL Unit A: Leadership Development
Objective 1.02: Use Public Speaking Technique to deliver a speech.
Parts of a Good Speech Conclusion Introduction Body
A-Types of Speeches 1- To inform: 2- To persuade 3- To integrate Gives knowledge or information to audiences 2- To persuade Convinces people to believe or do something 3- To integrate Introductions, welcome speeches, Pep Talks
Prepared vs Extemporaneous Speech is written and learned 5- Extemporaneous Speech given with little or no preparation
B- Variables to consider... Purpose why are you giving the speech Analyze the audience What group is hearing the speech? Occasion What is the event/ occasion? Content What is IN the speech? Composition How is the speech written/ organized?
6- Oral Delivery Voice pitch quality articulation pronunciation force over pronounce each word force may the force be with you
Delivery B- Stage presence appearance poise attitude confidence always positive confidence but not over confident personality posture
Delivery C-Power of expression fluency sincerity emphasis directness conveyance of thought and meaning
Delivery D-Response to questions accurately ability to think quickly If you can not answer a question: “That is an interesting question, however, I am not sure of the answer at this time.”
Delivery E- General effect interesting understandable convincing pleasing holds attention
Assignment #3 Speech Topics You will select a topic relating to Small Animal Science. Upon selection you will need to compose a short speech, following the guidelines we just learned. A rubric will be provided to assist your planning and for grading!