Water, Energy, Infrastructure Development and the Role of the Private Sector Mark Etheridge BSc(Hons), MPhil, FCIWEM, C.WEM, CEng Director of Operations, Jacobs Engineering UK.
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Introduction Water and energy are key essentials foundations for sustainable development. Without these foundations the Private Sector cannot flourish and provide economic growth. Economic growth is imperative for the Country on both humanitarian and macro economic levels.
Implications of a Non Sustainable Water and Energy Supply Sustainable water supply. All networks leak but it is not usually a health problem. A non sustainable water supply. When water is rationed or energy is cut to supply. Contaminated water leaks into the system. Next time water becomes available contaminated water is supplied to the consumer. Illegal Connections, Dar es Salaam
Jacobs Addressing the Problems – Dar es Salaam Water Supply The Project – The Lower Ruvu Water Treatment Plant Expansion Increase in capacity from 180MLD to 270MLD. Increase in water supply to Dar es Salaam of 33% Cost of construction $37 million. Funded by the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC), USA. Lower Ruvu is part of the $500 million Tanzanian Compact
Jacobs Addressing the Problem – Dar es Salaam Water Supply Jacobs acted as the Independent Engineer to the MCC advising on :- Institutional Reform Procurement Contracts Tender support Funding requirements Scheduling Technical advice Non revenue water advice including leakage, illegal connections, billing, revenue collection. Jacobs work on MCC Compacts in Tanzania, Mozambique, Cape Verde, Moldova, Georgia, Armenia, Ghana, Lesotho covering all aspects of infrastructure
Question? How can policy makers, infrastructure professionals and major corporate users work together to mitigate the risks?