A. Jovanovic Bratislava, April 2005 Prospective of future development of European Pressure Equipment Council (EPERC) towards a European Technology Platform A. Jovanovic Bratislava, April 2005
EPERC TP: Main idea The future of EPERC has been considered as apriority topic at the General Assembly in London in November 2004 and EPERC Executive Group (EG) has worked on it very actively since then. In this letter you will find the summary of the work, including the conclusions of the EG meeting of January 20, 2005, and the most important details of the on-going actions and those yet to come. In particular it concerns the proposed evolution of EPERC towards a European Technology Platform and collaboration with CEN (EPERC TP and CEN cf. chairman’s presentation at the GA in London). The TP is the new EU instrument leading to the definition of the Strategic Research Agenda (SRA) in particular areas of science and technology tackled by the future calls in 7th Framework Programme (FP7).
Main objectives of EPERC TP The Strategic Research Agenda which, with appropriate involvement of industry and other main stakeholders will provide basis for identification of needs and establishing priorities. in the area of advanced materials and technologies. interdisciplinary education and training technology transfer and innovation societal considerations in the R&D (e.g. potential impacts on public health, safety, environmental risks) cooperation and initiatives at international level.
The EPERC TP (technology platform) should … improve coherence lead to: “Radical Change” “Sustainable Development” … in the sector of advanced engineering materials and related technologies bring together all important stakeholders lead towards common goals: agreed priorities optimized R&D investment bring synergy…
EPERC TP: Organization of the stakeholders Industry (large, medium and small, the whole production and supply chain, component, equipment and sub-system suppliers, service providers and user industries; industry associations) Public authorities (regulators and policy makers, funding agencies; notified and licensing bodies; standardization) Academic community (education, research, innovation - European Innovation Area) Consortia from other EU projects Financial community (private banks including the EIB, the European Investment Fund EIF, venture capital, etc.) Civil society, users and consumers (future customers, associations).
Start-up of EPERC TP Organization of the kick-off meeting on April 22, 2005 Establishing the TP infra-structure Drafting of and agreement on the "Vision Paper“ Drafting of and agreement on the “SRA – Strategic Research Agenda” Drafting of and agreement on the “Implementation Agenda” Organizing the "Launch Event" in fall 2005
Establishing the TP infra-structure
Performance of the TP infra-structure
Some keywords for the EPERC TP PED transportable PE other than PED norms/codes/standards storage tanks explosion risks (ATEX) use of “cheap materials” (cast iron) guidelines of application of different/mixed codes boilers hydrogen life management life cycle design materials: welding, post heat treatment, new projects/proposals collaboration … … quintessence: “EPERC & more” … the “more” is important!
CEN-EPERC Guide-lines Practical proposals Topics Benchmarking Conclu-sions CEN-EPERC Guide-lines Case study Com-ments EU US Japan Flanges Creep Repair RBI / RBLM ASMEN … CEN projects? FP7 projects?
Practical proposals: The “7 Priorities” FP7 projects? .. plus other 30+ project ideas, basis for the IA!
CONCLUSION EPERC (and others!) should pursue the EPERC evolution towards the TP in order to assure the European state-of-the-art pressure equipment technology in the next decades!