Common Group Name: Fishes
Phylum: Chordata Examples: Jawless Fishes Sharks and Relatives (Cartilage Fishes) Bony Fishes
Body Plan Vertebrate Bilateral Symmetry Paired fins Scales Gills Jaws
All types of feeding in fishes: H, C, D, FF, P Path of Digestion: Mouth- esophagus- stomach- pyloric ceca (enzymes for digestion)- intestine- anus
Respiration Most fishes exchange gases using gills. Water is pulled in through mouth- water pumped over gill filaments- oxygen rich water is taken in- oxygen poor water pumped out of slits.
heart- gills- rest of the body- heart Circulation Closed Circulatory System Heart pumped blood around in a single loop Path of blood: heart- gills- rest of the body- heart 4-part heart: sinus venosus, atrium, ventricle, bulbus (conus)arteriousus. *Only 2-chambers
Excretion Some waste removed through gills. Other waste is removed by kidneys. Kidneys also help control the amount of water in the body.
Response Multi-part brain: 1) Olfactory Bulbs- receive smell 2) Cerebrum- processes smell 3) Optic Lobes- process info. from eyes 4) Cerebellum- coordinates body movements 5) Medulla Oblongata- functions of internal organs Highly developed sense organs for sight, taste, smell, sound, and touch.
Movement Move by alternating contractions between paired muscles. Fins aid in propelling and direction Swim bladder is a gas-filled organ that adjusts buoyancy.
Reproduction Internal or external depending on species. Oviparous- fish whose eggs develop externally. (Salmon) Ovoviviparous- fish whose eggs develop internally with nourishment from the egg. (Guppies) Viviparous- Fish whose eggs develop internally with nourishment from the mother’s body. (Sharks)
Other Information Evolution of fishes: Earliest fishes: jawless, bony plate armor Next Fishes: Jawless, little body armor, ancestors of lampreys and hagfishes Next Fishes: Jaws and paired fins arrived Modern Fishes: Two main groups that gave rise to cartilage fish and bony fish