Transcendentalism Literary/philosophical movement that stresses the importance of the spiritual, intuitional, and individual over the logical, material, and physical
I. Respect for Nature The transcendentalist observes nature to better understand it and one’s self. Natural world represents perfection and balance. Seeks to become closer to the natural world.
II. Intuition Attaining direct knowledge or ideas without evident rational thought or logic. Judging based on “gut feeling”. “Listen to your heart.”
III. Over-Soul A great spirit which provides insight and intuition, at death we all rejoin the over-soul. The Over-Soul contains the all people who have ever lived, and all knowledge. Collective Unconscious. (Intuition) It connects Man, Nature, and the Divine.
IV. Invisible Eye -To be the perfect observer without disturbing or even appearing in nature. - To view without changing - Empty the “self”
V. Individuality - Each person is their own separate, valuable person and sees the world from a unique perspective. - Opposition to industrialism - Manifests also in feminism
VI. Civil Disobedience Non-violently acting in opposition to the establishment in order to bring awareness and change.(Protesting) Lasting impression on people- Gandhi, MLK
Reaction to: The Enlightenment: Everything is explained by logic and science. Emotionless Industrial Revolution: People are replaced by machines. Individual has no worth. Social Issues: Slavery, War, Unresponsive Government.