4 PARTS OF BLOOD Red blood cells (44 %) White blood cells (less than 1%) Platelets (less than 1%) Plasma (55%)
RED BLOOD CELLS ERYTHROCYTES Transport oxygen Hemoglobin: red Lack a nucleus 4.2 –6.2 million RBC in humans B12, folic acid, iron: imp’t for RBC production Anemia: too few RBC: makes us feel weak & tired
White Blood Cells LEUKOCYTES Protect against infection; eat/digest foreign cells (phagocytosis) 2 X larger than RBC 5000-10,000 WBC in humans High WBC: infection Low WBC: typhoid/flu/AIDS/mumps/leukemia
Platelets THROMBOCYTES Form blood clots ½ as big as RBC 130,000-360,000 cells per mm3 in humans
Blood Plasma “clear” part of blood 92% water Primarily made of proteins: Albumen, Globulin, Fibrinogen Also contain amino acids, sugars, lipids, nucleotides And electrolytes: Na+, Ca+, K+, Cl+, Mg+, HCO3+, SO4+, PO4+
Notice all the components in the blood: Common blood gases: O2 and CO2 VLDL: very low density lipoprotein: high conc. Of triglycerides LDL: low density lipoprotein/mostly cholesterol HDL: high density lipoprotein/mostly protein
Hemostasis Stoppage of bleeding 1. Blood vessel spasm 2. Platelet plug formation 3. Blood coagulation (formation of blood clot)
Define the following Terms ABO BLOOD GROUP ANTIGEN ANTIBODY AGGLUTINATION Describe the following: Rh factor Signs & Symptoms of incompatible blood mixing (HINT: answer in a blue box) Difference between AGGLUTINATION & COAGULATION
Blood Types
VOCAB TO KNOW ANTIGEN: protein on surface of RBC AGGLUTINATION: clumping of RBC (occurs during blood transfusions; reaction b/w antigen & antibody) ANTIBODY: react to foreign antigens ANTI-SERUM: A serum containing antibodies that are specific for one or more antigens. (ANTI-A: contain antibody A; ANTI-B: contain antibody B
ABO Blood System
Blood Donors & Transfusions
THE Rh FACTOR A protein (antigen) in blood First discovered in Rhesus monkeys Has no advantage or disadvantage to have it or not… Only important during blood transfusion/organ transplant!
CONCERNS DURING PREGNANCY? No concern with 1st pregnancy b/c antigens are too big to cross placenta HOWEVER…if mother is Rh- and 2nd child is Rh+…blood could mix & mother could have antibodies against Rh protein from 1st pregnancy