Suzaku The Suzaku Results of the Galactic Center X-rays Nickname - Collisinal Excitation or Charge Exchange ? - Katusji Koyama, Kyoto University ASTROE2 Launch: 2005/7/10 Nickname Suzaku An Ancient Oriental mythology
3 Main Instrumnets on Suzaku: HXD, XRS, XIS
World (Universe) Records. But ! The XRS Spectrum on Orbit 60 mK, 7.0 eV @5.9 keV: World (Universe) Records. But ! Resonance (r) 6.703keV 1s2p1P1 Forbidden(f) 6.639keV Δl=0,Δs=1 Fine Structure of Fe24+ 1s2 1S0 1s2p3P0,1,2 Δl=1,Δs=0 1s2s 3S1 Name Transition Energy (eV) --------------------------------------------------------- Resonance (r) 1s2s1S0-1s2p 1P1 6700.5 Intercombination line (x) 1s2p1S0-1s2p 3P2 6682.4 (y) 1s2p1S0-1s2p 3P01 6667.6 Forbidden line (f) 1s2 1S0-1s2s 3S1 6636.7
XIS: The Best Performance as an X-ray CCD ASCA 320 ksec (Koyama et al. 1996) Chandra 600ksec (Muno et al.2004) XMM 50 ksec (Tanaka) Si XIII Kα Si XIV Kα Si XIII Kβ S XV Kα S XVI Kα S XV Kβ Suzaku: 180 ksec
Collisional Excitation or Charge Exchange ? Si12+Kα Si12+Kβ 6 7 8 Fe24+Kα Fe25+Kα Fe24+Kβ FeKα Ni26+Kα FeKβ Fe25+Kβ Ni27+Kα Ni Kα Ar16+Kβ Ar16+Kα Si13+Kα Ca18+Kα Ca19+Kα Ar17+Kα S14+Kα S15+Kα S14+Kβ 6.4 keV Is the 6.7 keV line Collisional Excitation or Charge Exchange ? 6.7 keV 2.46 keV
Name Observed Lab ⊿ (eV) ----------------------------- S Lya 2622.4+3.6-2.7 2621.6 0.8 FeLya 6969.5+2.8-2.1 6965.7 3.8 Mn Ka 5899.6+1.7-0.4 5895.1 4.5 He-like Fe Ka = 6679 eV Close to 6685eV(d =6eV) Width (s) = 38 eV (Triplet, not Velocity) Collisional Excitation Electron Capture = 6666eV Collisional Excitation= 6685 eV f r i r i f l l 6666eV 6685eV Wargelin, Beiersdorfer et al. 2005, ApJ, 634,687 FeXXV FeXXIV G-ratio = r / (i+f)
Ec= 6679 eV +/- 1 eV ( systematic error~ +- 5 eV): The G-ratio decreases as decreasing plasma temperature. It also decreases with temperature due to the contribution of satellite line. Thus we can constrain the plasma temperature kT using the center energy. The results are: kT = 3.2 keV +3 -1 keV (Vapec) kT = 7.5 keV +∞ -3 keV (VMEKAL) This is just the XRS science, hence our GC study make more clear strategy for the NeXT, the corner stone project in Japan.
Ionization Temperature Fe Ka H-like/He-like: kTi=6.5 keV +/- 0.1ke V Fe Kb H-like/He-like: kTi=5.1 keV + 1.5 -1.0 keV Ni Ka H-like/He-like : kTi= 9.3 keV +1.6 -2.5 keV Electron Temperature He-like Fe Kb/Ka : kTe=6.2 keV +3 -1keV H-like Fe Kb/Ka : kTe> 6.5 keV (lower limit) All the results are consitent if the Plasma is kTi ~ kTe=6.5 keV. This methodology to determine the electron temperature (kTe) at the Fe energy is possible only with Suzaku. Our new method constrains the Continuum shape, hence can separate the Non-thermal components.
明月記 客星出現例 一條院寛弘三年四月二日 葵酉 夜以降騎官中有大客星 朱雀 飛鳥時代のキトラ 古墳の壁画 Meigetsuki 明月記 客星出現例 一條院寛弘三年四月二日 葵酉 夜以降騎官中有大客星 朱雀 飛鳥時代のキトラ 古墳の壁画 Suzaku The wall painting of “Suzaku” in the ancient tomb “Kitora” built in the Asuka Era Meigetsuki :Records of guest stars In the 1-st May 1006, a large guest star appeared within the Kikan (Lupus) Constellation
He-Like Fe Kb He-Like Ni Ka H-Like Ni Ka/