For the ICT LAC Facilitator: Congratulations for accepting the challenge of empowering your co-teachers for your school’s upcoming ICT LAC session/s! On this ICT LAC activity card template, you will be guided on how to go about your session – from giving the overview of your topic down to identifying steps for your next ICT LAC session. In the succeeding slides, you will find in the notes area (located below each slide) a script which you can use in delivering your session. Note that these are just suggestions and you are free to modify the script of your show!
ICT LAC Session Outline Overview of the Topic Opening session Sharing about experiences Activity/Training proper Reflection Next steps for our next session For the LCT LAC audience (teacher participants) ICT LAC facilitator, say: Welcome! We are on our way of creating an enjoyable and productive ICT LAC experience. I am ___________ (your name). I am your ICT LAC facilitator for today. Woohoo! Here is the flow of our ICT LAC session: Overview of the Topic Opening session Sharing about experiences Activity/Training proper Reflection Next steps for our next session
Sample Topic: Basic Hardware Troubleshooting Task or Output: Troubleshoot basic hardware problems Objectives: Enumerate steps in general hardware troubleshooting Identify ports & devices Troubleshoot solutions for specific device problems Types of ICT Integration in Teaching & Learning: Classroom Instruction Distance Learning Special Education Digital Literacy Materials Needed: desktop computer mouse keyboard Approximate Duration of ICT LAC Session: 120 minutes Sample Topic: Basic Hardware Troubleshooting LAC Activity Cards for ICT Integration June 16, 2017 Jose Rizal Elementary School For the ICT LAC Facilitator: The ICT LAC activity card title slide comprises of the following: Task, Objectives, Learning Environment Materials Needed and Approximate Duration of ICT LAC Session. Items in blue are sample answers for illustration purposes. Title of the LAC session, date and venue are at the left side of the template. For the LCT LAC audience (teacher participants) ICT LAC facilitator, say: Our ICT LAC topic is (state the title of your session). Today, we are expected to (state expected task/output). With the following objectives, (state the objectives). Since we will be learning about (your topic), we need these materials (state the materials needed for the session). We will be productive in the next (time/duration of the ICT LAC session). Teachers, are you ready to learn? Let’s get started! Notes: This card set is written and produced by: Mary Sieras and Abby Espino of Jose Rizal Elementary School
1 OPENING | Learning Action Cell Session on ICT Integration Opening (10 - 20 Minutes) . 1
It’s LAC o’ clock again! Welcome back, teachers! OPENING | Learning Action Cell Session on ICT Integration For the LCT LAC audience (teacher participants) ICT LAC facilitator, say: It’s time for another LAC session! Welcome everyone! It’s LAC o’ clock again! Welcome back, teachers! 2
OPENING | Learning Action Cell Session on ICT Integration For the ICT LAC Facilitator: LAC sessions are suggested to open with a short icebreaker to help ease the participants. (TIP: use the LAC Kuwentuhan Cards) For the LCT LAC audience (teacher participants) ICT LAC facilitator, say: Let’s open the session with [insert the nature of icebreaker.] For this activity, please [state the instructions]. Time to break the ice! 3
OPENING | Learning Action Cell Session on ICT Integration For the ICT LAC Facilitator: LAC sessions are suggested to open with a short icebreaker to help ease the participants. (TIP: use the LAC Kuwentuhan Cards) [Conduct ICEBREAKER ACTIVITY] For the LCT LAC audience (teacher participants) ICT LAC facilitator, say: Thank you for your participation! Did you enjoy the icebreaker? Does anyone want to volunteer and prepare for the next session’s icebreaker? 4
2 SHARING | Learning Action Cell Session on ICT Integration Sharing (10 - 20 Minutes) . 5
SHARING | Learning Action Cell Session on ICT Integration Sharing. Let’s look back at the things we’ve discussed, achieved, and committed from our last session. For the ICT LAC Facilitator: Sharing [Recap] Sharing part requires recap of the topic, outputs, and homework from the previous LAC session. It is important to connect the previous LAC session with the topic of the current one. For the LCT LAC audience (teacher participants) ICT LAC facilitator, say: Now that we’re all warmed up, let’s use our energy to [insert words that encourage positive energy and contribute to a fruitful LAC session.] Let’s look back at what we’ve discussed, achieved, and committed last session. What were our take-always when we used what we learned in our classrooms? Are there learning areas that we can further look into? Are there best practices that we want to further enrich? [Group sharing activity] 6
[Insert Photos from Previous LAC Session, if applicable and available] SHARING | Learning Action Cell Session on ICT Integration [Insert Photos from Previous LAC Session, if applicable and available] For the ICT LAC Facilitator: Flashing photo/s from the previous LAC session can be useful in helping the LAC members remember the last session’s activities. If possible, the documenter from the previous session can also add a couple of slides outlining notes from the previous session. 7
3 ACTIVITY | Learning Action Cell Session on ICT Integration Activity (30 – 60 Minutes) . 8
Today’s Topic and Objectives. ACTIVITY | Learning Action Cell Session on ICT Integration For the ICT LAC Facilitator: Introduction of the LAC session’s topic and objective [Intro] Action items (next steps/commitments/agreements) from the previous session as the jump off point to the current topic. Introduction of the LAC topic and learning objectives are also conveyed.. For the LCT LAC audience (teacher participants) ICT LAC facilitator, say: We noticed that [insert learning needs from previous LAC sessions and connect those with the current topic]. For this LAC Session, we will [insert target output/skills to be learned/etc.] The objectives of the session are: Objective No. 1 Objective No. 2 Today’s Topic and Objectives. Objective 1 Objective 2 9
[Insert Activity Slides [Insert Activity Slides. This can be a step-by-step tutorial with screenshot guides.] ACTIVITY | Learning Action Cell Session on ICT Integration For the ICT LAC Facilitator: Planning on how to use the activity/new skills in the classroom The facilitator can emphasize the value of the ICT LAC topic in the classroom. This is a good way of sustaining the teachers’ interest before starting the activity proper. Activity Proper Once everyone is ready, the facilitator may proceed with the activity proper. The facilitator is free to use his/her own slides, or use the available pool of LAC ICT activity cards from DepEd. Depending on the nature and difficulty of the activity, the facilitator has the choice to print the slides as cards, or flash the slides on-screen. If the cards will be printed, the LAC members can accomplish the task at their own pace. If the cards will be flashed on screen, all members will follow each step at the same time. 10
Reflection (10 - 20 Minutes) 4 REFLECTION | Learning Action Cell Session on ICT Integration Reflection (10 - 20 Minutes) For the ICT LAC Facilitator: Synthesis and/or generalization on the topic/session during reflection are to be shared by the participants. 11
How was your experience? REFLECTION | Learning Action Cell Session on ICT Integration Any challenges in using the tool, technique or strategy? For the ICT LAC Facilitator: Reflection The participants are asked to share about their experiences. Probe questions that will lead to the following points: (1) experience in the process, (2) specific challenges in using the tool, (3) possible strategies and techniques discovered while following the steps, and (4) aspects that they easily mastered. 12
Any new possible strategies and techniques discovered? REFLECTION | Learning Action Cell Session on ICT Integration . Any new skill easily mastered? 13
REFLECTION | Learning Action Cell Session on ICT Integration Application. How do we apply our new skill into our profession and teaching practice? For the LCT LAC audience (teacher participants) ICT LAC facilitator, say: Now that you’ve learned or mastered a new skill, how do you plan to integrate this into your classroom instruction? Is anyone willing to try this out in their upcoming classes, and share the results in our next LAC session? 14
5 NEXT STEPS | Learning Action Cell Session on ICT Integration Next Steps (10 - 20 Minutes) . 15
Topic for next LAC session Action Items Commitments and Next Steps NEXT STEPS | Learning Action Cell Session on ICT Integration For the LCT LAC audience (teacher participants) ICT LAC facilitator, say: Synthesis [Next Steps] Based on the sharing session, the LAC can then: (1) identify topics to further discuss in the next LAC session, (2) list action items to be addressed in the school/by the teachers, and (3) agree on commitments and next steps. Agreements and next steps are best articulated in written form and in concrete language. This way, the teachers can effectively commit to the action points. Ending in a positive note, where concerns are addressed and everybody gets to participate, is ideal in closing LAC sessions. It is strategic if the facilitator will reiterate how the group’s values and norms enabled a motivating and fruitful LAC session. However, any challenges faced during LAC activities are also valuable because those offer opportunities to collaboratively create solutions as a group. The facilitator would just have to bring this up and process with the participants. 16
For the LCT LAC audience (teacher participants) ICT LAC facilitator, say: Congratulations! Our ICT LAC session just ended. I hope everyone had a good learning experience, and is excited for our next ICT LAC session! If you have ideas and/or questions for ICT LAC Activity cards, please feel free to contact us at .
. This ICT LAC Activity Cards Template is made possible through the funding and support of Australia’s Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, through the Basic Education Sector Transformation (BEST) Program, and the Department of Education (DepEd).