The Hero’s Journey The Great Adventure.


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Presentation transcript:

The Hero’s Journey The Great Adventure

Part of the Epic Quest Kill the dragon Find the Golden Fleece Rescue the Maiden Save the Universe from The Dark Powers

The Hero’s Journey – not just a pattern for myths TV comedies and dramas Movies Plays Literature It is a pattern of human experience – it is universal

The Classical Pattern Eight Step Transformation Separation from the Known World Initiation and Transformation Returning to the known World

Separation From the Known The Call Invites hero/initiate into the adventure Opportunity to gain something of spiritual or physical value The Threshold Jumping off point for the adventure Doorway between the known and the unknown

Initiation and Transformation The Challenges Once past the threshold, the journey begins An outward journey to a physical unknown Inward journey into a psychological unknown A series of challenges More difficult as journey progresses Strikes at weaknesses, needs, and fears

Into the Abyss The Transformation Where the greatest challenge is faced Surrender to the quest and overcome his/her greatest fears The Transformation Abyss is conquered, fears overcome Symbolically a moment of death and rebirth: a part of the initiate dies so that a new part can be reborn

The Revelation The Atonement Part of the transformation – a change in the way the one thinks or views the world that allows for the initiate to become a different person The Atonement Because the initiate is “reborn” he/she is brought into harmony with life and the world – the imbalance that sent the initiates, now Hero, on the journey has been corrected

The Return to the Known World Hero resumes everyday life – until the next Call

The Journey as a Map Understand the connection between the mythological world and modern day fiction The journey and Challenges are examples of real journey and challenges we all face in life Understanding this pattern can help achieve wisdom, growth, and independence

Bibliography Harris, Reg and Susan Thompson. The Hero’s Journey: A Guide to Literature and Life. Napa: Harris Communications. 2006.