Near-Perfect Adaptation in Bacterial Chemotaxis Yang Yang and Sima Setayeshgar Department of Physics Indiana University, Bloomington, IN 11/29/2018 Yang Yang, Candidacy Seminar
E. Coli as a Model Organism Workhorse of molecular biology, most studied cell in all science: - Small genome (~4300 genes) - Normal lack of pathogenicity - Ease of growth in lab Basis of recent developments in biotechnology and genetic engineering, including living factory for producing human medicines Basis for understanding of fundamental cellular processes: - cellular sensory systems - regulation of gene expression - cell division, etc. E. coli is a flagellated bacterium, about 1 micron in length and 0.5 micron in diameter, with a life cycle of approx. 1 hour. It has been the work horse of molecular biology for the past 70 years, due its usual lack of pathogenicity (the dangerous strains are actually pretty rare), ease of growth in the lab, and relatively small genome. It has developed as a basis for recent developments in biotechnology and genetic engineering and for understanding fundamental cellular processes -- cellular sensory systems (how cells sense and respond to their environments), regulation of gene expression, cell division, etc. – where the goal is to look at these processes in the well-controllable and experimentally accessible context of E. coli, and learn not just how they work but what the design principles are (why they work the way do), thereby allowing us to extend what we learn to other organisms, such as ourselves. Dimensions: Body size: 1 μm in length 0.4 μm in radius Flagellum: 10 μm long Cell cycle: ~ 1 hour 11/29/2018 Yang Yang, Candidacy Seminar
Yang Yang, Candidacy Seminar E. coli in Motion From Berg & Brown, Nature (1972). Increasing attractants or Decreasing repellents Chemotaxis in bacteria, such as E-Coli, which is a biased random walk of "runs" punctuated by "tumbles": Shown on the left is a 3-d trajectory of a single bacterium. As seen in the movie, each bacterium has 6-8 flagella, with an inherent chirality: CCW rotation of the motor apparatus at the base of each flagellum allows the flagella to bundle up and act as a single propeller, leading to running motion of the cell. CW rotation leads to flying apart of the bundle, resulting in tumbling behavior that allows a new, perhaps more favorable direction of motion to be randomly selected. In the top right, the cell speed is shown as a function, indicating smooth running periods at constant speed, followed by stationary tumbles. Temporal measurement of the external concentration, and comparison with the cell's memory of it some time ago, are used to modulate the mean runtime. “Memory” in E. coli is achieved through the existence of fast and slow time scales in the biochemical signaling cascade that governs the chemotactic response. Physical constants: Cell speed: 20 - 30 μm/sec Mean run time: 1 sec Mean tumble time: 0.1 sec 11/29/2018 Yang Yang, Candidacy Seminar
Bacterial Chemotaxis The chemosensory pathway in bacterial chemotaxis and propulsion system it regulates have provided an ideal system for probing the physical principles governing complex cellular signaling and response. “Hydrogen atom” of biochemical signal transduction networks Paradigm for two-component receptor-regulated phosphorylation pathways Accessible for study by structural, biochemical and genetic approaches The E. coli chemotaxis signal transduction network has emerged as a canonical example of cellular sensory systems: all chemotaxis proteins are known, most have been crystallized, many reaction rate constants are well-characterized. As such, it is an excellent testbed for understanding the design principles giving rise to important properties of many signal transduction networks, namely adaptation to the DC level of input (which for E. coli takes place over 10^4 – 10^5 orders of magnitude of input concentration), large amplification in the input-output response (which for E. coli is approximately 50), and robustness to variations in reaction rates.
Chemotaxis Signal Transduction Network in E. coli Pathway Motor Response [CheY-P] Stimulus Flagellar Bundling Motion With approximately 50 interacting proteins , the network converts an external stimulus into an internal stimulus – the change in concentration of the phosphorylated form of the Y chemotaxis protein, CheY - which in turn interacts with the flagella motor to bias the cell’s motion. CheA: Histidine kinase CheB-P: Methylesterase CheW: Couples CheA to MCPs CheY-P: Response regulator CheR: Methyltransferase CheZ: Dephosphorylates CheY-P The existence of fast and slow time scales in the biochemical signaling cascade leading from signal detection to motor response is achieved through the existence of fast reaction steps (ligand binding, phosphorylation) and slow reaction steps (methylation, demethylation). Histidine kinase Methylesterase Couples CheA to MCPs Response regulator Methyltransferase Dephosphorylates CheY-P CheB CheA CheW CheZ CheR CheY Run Tumble 11/29/2018 Yang Yang, Candidacy Seminar
Flagellar Motor in E. coli In addition to the signal transduction network, the rotational bias and switching frequency of a single flagellum as a function of the concentration of the intracellular response regulator CheY-P have been quantitatively measured, as shown on the right. These are experiments are done on tethered cells, as shown on the left. From R. M. Berry, Encyclopedia of Life Science (2001). From P. Cluzel, et al., Science (2000). 11/29/2018 Yang Yang, Candidacy Seminar
Response to Step Stimulus Flagellar response: CheY-P response: From Block et al., Cell (1982). The flagellar response to a step stimulus is shown on the left. Recent experiments are able to probe the dynamics of intracellular protein concentrations governing this response, for example using FRET (fluorescence resonance energy transfer), as shown on the right. These experiments show fast change in the CheY-P concentration in response to a step stimulus, followed by slow adaptation to the prestimulus value. Steady state [CheY-P] ( and running bias) independent of value constant external stimulus (adaptation) Fast response Slow adaptation From Sourjik et al., PNAS (2002). 11/29/2018 Yang Yang, Candidacy Seminar
Excitation and Adaptation This fast response and slow recovery is depicted schematically here, demonstrating that adaptation in the chemotaxis network is achieved through a balance between the fast and slow reaction kinetics. 11/29/2018 Yang Yang, Candidacy Seminar
Precision of Adaptation Squares: Unstimulated cells Circles: Cells stimulated at t=0 (Each point represents data from 10s motion of 100-400 cells.) Precision of adaptation = steady state tumbling frequency of unstimulated cells / frequency of stimulated cells Experimentally, it is found that adaption in E. coli is precise: That is, the pre- and post-stimulus values of the internal response regulator CheY are very nearly equal. From Alon et al. Nature (1999). 11/29/2018 Yang Yang, Candidacy Seminar
Robustness of Perfect Adaptation Precision of adaptation robust to 50-fold change in CheR expression … …while … Adaptation time and steady state tumbling frequency vary significantly. Furthermore, this property of the chemotaxis network is “robust” to variations in the network parameters, such as reaction rates and concentrations of proteins catalyzing various reactions. On the left, experimental results showing variation in the precision of adaptation as a function of one of these protein concentrations is shown. It should be pointed while this property of the network – the precision of adaptation – is “robust”, others such as the network adapation time are not. Robustness of perfect adaptation: precision of adaptation insenstive to network parameters From Alon et al. Nature (1999). 11/29/2018 Yang Yang, Candidacy Seminar
Yang Yang, Candidacy Seminar This Work: Outline New computational scheme for determining conditions and numerical ranges for parameters allowing robust (near-)perfect adaptation in the E. coli chemotaxis network Comparison of results with previous works Extension to other modified chemotaxis networks, with additional protein components Conclusions and future work 11/29/2018 Yang Yang, Candidacy Seminar
E. coli Chemotaxis Signaling Network Ligand binding Methylation Phosphorylation phosphorylation methylation Ligand binding Chemotaxis in E. coli involves temporal measurement of the change in concentration of an external stimulus. This is achieved through the existence of fast and slow reaction time scales, in the chemotaxis signal transduction network: fast measurement of the current external concentration is compared with the cell’s “memory” of the concentration some time ago to determine whether to extend a run in a given direction or to tumble, thereby randomly selecting a new direction. E=F(free form), R(coupling with CheR), B(coupling with CheBp) E’=F(free form), R(coupling with CheR) 𝜆=o(ligand occupied), v(ligand vacuum) 𝛾=u(unphosphorylated), p(phosphorylated) 11/29/2018 Yang Yang, Candidacy Seminar
Michaelis-Menten Kinetics Enzymatic reaction: Where E is the enzyme, E0 is the total enzyme concentration, S is the substrate, P is the product. A key assumption in this derivation is the quasi steady state approximation, namely that the concentration of the substrate-bound enzyme changes much more slowly than those of the product and substrate. Therefore, it may be assumed that it is in steady state: where Km is the Michaelis-Menten (MM) constant 11/29/2018 Yang Yang, Candidacy Seminar
Yang Yang, Candidacy Seminar Reaction Rates 11/29/2018 Yang Yang, Candidacy Seminar
Yang Yang, Candidacy Seminar Approach … START with a fine-tuned model of chemotaxis network that: reproduces key features of experiments is NOT robust AUGMENT the model explicitly with the requirements that: steady state value of CheY-P values of reaction rate constants, are independent of the external stimulus, s, thereby explicitly incorporating perfect adaptation. : state variables : reaction kinetics : reaction rates : external stimulus 11/29/2018 Yang Yang, Candidacy Seminar
Yang Yang, Candidacy Seminar Augmented System The steady state concentration of proteins in the network satisfy: The steady state concentration of = [CheY-P] must be independent of stimulus, s: where parameter allows for “near-perfect” adaptation. Reaction rates are constant and must also be independent of stimulus, s: Discretize s in range {slow, shigh} 11/29/2018 Yang Yang, Candidacy Seminar
Physical Interpretation of Parameter, : Near-Perfect Adaptation Measurement of c = [CheY-P] by flagellar motor constrained by diffusive noise Relative accuracy*, Signaling pathway required to adapt “nearly” perfectly, to within this lower bound (*) Berg & Purcell, Biophys. J. (1977). : diffusion constant (~ 3 µM) : linear dimension of motor C-ring (~ 45 nm) : CheY-P concentration (at steady state ~ 3 µM) : measurement time (run duration ~ 1 second) 11/29/2018 Yang Yang, Candidacy Seminar
Yang Yang, Candidacy Seminar Implementation Use Newton-Raphson (root finding algorithm with back-tracking), to solve for the steady state of augmented system, Use Dsode (stiff ODE solver), to verify time- dependent behavior for different ranges of external stimulus by solving: 11/29/2018 Yang Yang, Candidacy Seminar
Convergence from Guess to Solution Starting from initial guess A, solution B is generated. By comprehensively sampling space of parameters with initial guesses, solution “surfaces” are constructed. 3%<<5% 1%<<3% 0%<<1% A Inverse of T3 MM constant (K3R-1) B Need large legend for blue, green, red points Make relationship with delta and epsilon T3 autophosphorylation rate (k3a) 11/29/2018 Yang Yang, Candidacy Seminar
Parameter Surfaces 0%<<1% 1%<<3% Surface 2D projections Inverse of T1 methylation MM constant (K1R-1) Inverse of T1 demethylation MM constant (K1B-1) Need some plots of *slices*, as opposed to projections (which combine all slices in a given direction) How do the slices differ from the pair-wise plots where two parameters only are varied? Inverse of T1 methylation MM constant (K1R-1) 1%<<3% 0%<<1% T1 autophosphorylation rate k1a 11/29/2018 Yang Yang, Candidacy Seminar
Slices of 3D Surfaces of Parameter Space 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1 -11 denote slices perpendicular to K1B-1 11/29/2018 Yang Yang, Candidacy Seminar
Yang Yang, Candidacy Seminar Validation Verify steady state NR solutions dynamically using DSODE for different stimulus ramps: Concentration (µM) Time (s) 11/29/2018 Yang Yang, Candidacy Seminar
Violating and Restoring Perfect Adaptation Inverse of T3 MM constant (K3R-1) CheYp Concentration (µM) T3 autophosphorylation rate (k3a) Time (s) Step stimulus from 0 to 1e-3M at t=500s 11/29/2018 Yang Yang, Candidacy Seminar
Conditions for Perfect Adaptation: Kinetic Parameters 11/29/2018 Yang Yang, Candidacy Seminar
Inverse of Methylation MM Constant Autophosphorylation Rate Inverse of T0 MM constant (K0R-1) Inverse of T1 MM constant (K1R-1) T0 autophosphorylation rate (k0a) T1 autophosphorylation rate (k1a) 11/29/2018 Yang Yang, Candidacy Seminar
Inverse of Methylation MM Constant Autophosphorylation Rate Inverse of T2 MM constant (K2R-1) Inverse of T3 MM constant (K3R-1) T2 autophosphorylation rate (k2a) T3 autophosphorylation rate (k3a) 11/29/2018 Yang Yang, Candidacy Seminar
Inverse of Methylation MM Constant Autophosphorylation Rate Inverse of LT0 MM constant (K0LR-1) Inverse of LT1 MM constant (K1LR-1) LT0 autophosphorylation rate (k0al) LT1 autophosphorylation rate (k1al) 11/29/2018 Yang Yang, Candidacy Seminar
Inverse of Methylation MM Constant Autophosphorylation Rate Inverse of LT2 MM constant (K2LR-1) Inverse of LT3 MM constant (K3LR-1) LT2 autophosphorylation rate (k2al) LT3 autophosphorylation rate (k3al) 11/29/2018 Yang Yang, Candidacy Seminar
Inverse of Demethylation MM Constant Autophosphorylation Rate Inverse of T1 MM constant (K1B-1) Inverse of T2 MM constant (K2B-1) T1 autophosphorylation rate (k1a) T2 autophosphorylation rate (k2a) 11/29/2018 Yang Yang, Candidacy Seminar
Inverse of Demethylation MM Constant Autophosphorylation Rate Inverse of T3 MM constant (K3B-1) Inverse of T4 MIM constant (K4B-1) T3 autophosphorylation rate (k3a) T4 autophosphorylation rate (k4a) 11/29/2018 Yang Yang, Candidacy Seminar
Inverse of Demethylation MM Constant Autophosphorylation Rate Inverse of LT1 MM constant (K1LB-1) Inverse of LT2 MM constant (K2LB-1) LT1 autophosphorylation rate (k1al) LT2 autophosphorylation rate (k2al) 11/29/2018 Yang Yang, Candidacy Seminar
Inverse of Demethylation MM Constant Autophosphorylation Rate Inverse of LT3 MM constant (K2LB-1) Inverse of LT4 MM constant (K3LB-1) LT3 autophosphorylation rate (k3al) LT4 autophosphorylation rate (k4al) 11/29/2018 Yang Yang, Candidacy Seminar
Methylation Catalytic Rate/ Demethylation Catalytic Rate = Constant T1 demethylation catalytic rate k1b T0 methylation catalytic rate k0c T1 methylation catalytic rate k1c T2 demethylation catalytic rate k2b 11/29/2018 Yang Yang, Candidacy Seminar
Methylation Catalytic Rate/ Demethylation Catalytic Rate = Constant T3 demethylation catalytic rate k3b T2 methylation catalytic rate k2c T3 methylation catalytic rate k3c T4 demethylation catalytic rate k4b 11/29/2018 Yang Yang, Candidacy Seminar
Methylation Catalytic Rate/ Demethylation Catalytic Rate = Constant LT1 demethylation catalytic rate k1bl LT0 methylation catalytic rate k0cl LT1 methylation catalytic rate k1cl LT2 demethylation catalytic rate k2bl 11/29/2018 Yang Yang, Candidacy Seminar
Methylation Catalytic Rate/ Demethylation Catlytic Rate = Constant LT3 demethylation catalytic rate k3bl LT2 demethylation catalytic rate k2cl LT3 demethylation catalytic rate k3cl LT4 demethylation catalytic rate k4bl 11/29/2018 Yang Yang, Candidacy Seminar
Summary: Reaction Kinetics Inverse of methylation MM constants linearly decreases with autophosphorylation rates Inverse of demethylation MM constants linearly increases with autophosphorylation rates Ratio of methylation catalytic rates and demethylation catalytic rates for the next methylation level is constant for all methylation states Slides 32 and 33 are redundant These conditions are consistent with those obtained in previous works from analysis of a detailed, two-state (activity-based) receptor model*. * B. Mello et al. Biophysical Journal (2003). 11/29/2018 Yang Yang, Candidacy Seminar
Conditions for Perfect Adaptation: Protein Concentrations
Intrinsic Variability in Total Protein Concentrations Total chemotaxis protein concentrations vary across clonal population of cells, as well as across cell cycles due to fluctuations in gene expression and partitioning of proteins at cell division. Main point is that they are model dependent, with large amount of experimental variability in their measurement where these measurements are available 11/29/2018 Yang Yang, Candidacy Seminar
Relationship Between Protein Concentrations (M) (M) (M) (M) 11/29/2018 Yang Yang, Candidacy Seminar
Relationship Between Protein Concentrations (cont’d) (M) (M) (M) (M) 11/29/2018 Yang Yang, Candidacy Seminar
Relationship between Protein Concentrations (cont’d) (M) (M) (M) (M) 11/29/2018 Yang Yang, Candidacy Seminar
Summary: Protein Concentrations Preliminary observations : Total receptor concentration and CheY concentration have a lower and upper boundary respectly. CheR concentration is proportional to the CheB concentration CheR, CheB restricted ranges consistent with experiment*. * Li and Hazelbauer, Journal of Bacteriology , (2004). 11/29/2018 Yang Yang, Candidacy Seminar
Diversity of Chemotaxis Systems In different bacteria, additional protein components as well as multiple copies of certain chemotaxis proteins are present. Response regulator Phosphate “sink” CheY1 CheY2 Eg., Rhodobacter sphaeroides, Caulobacter crescentus and several rhizobacteria possess multiple CheYs while lacking of CheZ homologue. 11/29/2018 Yang Yang, Candidacy Seminar
Example: Two CheY System Exact adaptation in modified chemotaxis network with CheY1, CheY2 and no CheZ: CheY1p (µM) Time(s) Time(s) Requiring: Faster phosphorylation/autodephosphorylation rates of CheY2 than CheY1 Faster phosphorylation rate of CheB 11/29/2018 Yang Yang, Candidacy Seminar
Yang Yang, Candidacy Seminar Conclusions Successful implementation of a novel method for elucidating regions in parameter space allowing precise adaptation Numerical results for (near-) perfect adaptation manifolds in parameter space for the E. coli chemotaxis network, allowing determination of Conditions required for perfect adaptation, consistent with and extending previous works [1-3] Numerical ranges for experimentally unknown or partially known kinetic parameters Preliminary results on restrictions of total protein concentrations Extension to modified chemotaxis networks, for example with no CheZ homologue and multiple CheYs [1] Barkai & Leibler, Nature (1997). [2] Yi et al., PNAS (2000). [3] Tu & Mello, Biophys. J. (2003). 11/29/2018 Yang Yang, Candidacy Seminar
Yang Yang, Candidacy Seminar Future Extensions Extension to other signaling networks - vertebrate phototransduction [1] - mammalian circadian clock [2] allowing determination of parameter dependences underlying robustness of adaptation b) plausible numerical values for unknown network parameters [1] R. D. Hamer, et al., Vis Neurosci 22, 417-36 (2005). [2] D. B. Forger and C. S. Peskin, PNAS 102, 321-24 (2005). 11/29/2018 Yang Yang, Candidacy Seminar
Vertebrate Phototransduction cGMP: cyclic GMP PDE: cGMP phosphodiesterase GCAP: guanylyl cyclase gc: guanylyl cyclase From 11/29/2018 Yang Yang, Candidacy Seminar
Light Adaptation in Phototransduction An intracellular recording from a single cone stimulated with different amounts of light. Each trace represents the response to a brief flash that was varied in intensity. At the highest light levels, the response amplitude saturates (From Neuroscience Purves et al., 2001) 11/29/2018 Yang Yang, Candidacy Seminar
Kinetic Model for Vertebrate Phototransduction Russell D. Hamer, Visual Neuroscience (2000) 11/29/2018 Yang Yang, Candidacy Seminar
Mammalian Circadian Clock From Forger et al., PNAS (2003). PERs transport CRYs to nucleus CLOCK and BMAL1 bind together CLOCK·BMAL1 binds to E box to increase Pers(Crys) transcription rates E box is the sequence CACGTG of the PER1 and CRY1 genes PERs bind with kinases CKIε/δ to be phosphorylated Phosphorylated PERs bind with CRYs Only phosphorylated PER·CRY· CKIε/δ can enter nucleus Phosphorylated PER·CRY· CKIε/δ inhibit the ability of CLOCK·BMALI to enhance transcription Increasing REV-ERBα levels repress BMAL1 transcription Activator positively regulated BMAL1 transcription 11/29/2018 Yang Yang, Candidacy Seminar
Conditions in Two-State Receptor Model Receptor autophosphorylation rates are proportional to the receptor activity: Only the inactive or active receptors can be methylated or demethylated. The association rates between receptors and CheR or CheBp are linearly related to the receptor activity, while dissociation rates are independent of the activity (hence, the inverse of the methylation or demethylation MM constants are linearly related to the receptor activity): The ratios between methylation catalytic rates and demethylation catalytic rates for the next methylation level are constant: The phospho-transfer rates from CheA to CheB or CheY are proportional to receptor activities: 11/29/2018 Yang Yang, Candidacy Seminar
Yang Yang, Candidacy Seminar 11/29/2018 Yang Yang, Candidacy Seminar
Yang Yang, Candidacy Seminar 11/29/2018 Yang Yang, Candidacy Seminar
Yang Yang, Candidacy Seminar 11/29/2018 Yang Yang, Candidacy Seminar
Yang Yang, Candidacy Seminar 11/29/2018 Yang Yang, Candidacy Seminar
Yang Yang, Candidacy Seminar 11/29/2018 Yang Yang, Candidacy Seminar
Yang Yang, Candidacy Seminar 11/29/2018 Yang Yang, Candidacy Seminar
Checking Dynamics of CheY-P with Solutions A B C D 11/29/2018 Yang Yang, Candidacy Seminar
Protein Concentration Trend Shifting 11/29/2018 Yang Yang, Candidacy Seminar
Protein Concentration Trend Shifting 11/29/2018 Yang Yang, Candidacy Seminar
Protein Concentration Trend Shifting 11/29/2018 Yang Yang, Candidacy Seminar
Protein Concentration Trend Shifting 11/29/2018 Yang Yang, Candidacy Seminar
Protein Concentration Trend Shifting 11/29/2018 Yang Yang, Candidacy Seminar
Reaction Rates Trend Shifting Protein concentrations taken from SPO’s inverse of T2 MM constant (K2R-1) inverse of T3 MM constant (K3R-1) Protein concentrations taken from Mello-Tu’s T2 autophosphorylation rate (k2a) T3 autophosphorylation rate (k3a) 11/29/2018 Yang Yang, Candidacy Seminar
Reaction Rates Trend Shifting Protein concentrations taken from SPO’s inverse of T2 MM constant (K2R-1) inverse of T3 MM constant (K3R-1) Protein concentrations taken from Mello-Tu’s T2 autophosphorylation rate (k2a) T3 autophosphorylation rate (k3a) 11/29/2018 Yang Yang, Candidacy Seminar
Reaction Rates Trend Shifting Protein concentrations taken from SPO’s inverse of T1 M-M constant (K1B-1) inverse of T2 M-M constant (K2B-1) Protein concentrations taken from Mello-Tu’s T1 autophosphorylation rate (k1a) T2 autophosphorylation rate (k2a) 11/29/2018 Yang Yang, Candidacy Seminar
Reaction Rates Trend Shifting Protein concentrations taken from SPO’s inverse of T3 M-M constant (K3B-1) inverse of T4 M-M constant (K4B-1) Protein concentrations taken from Mello-Tu’s T3 autophosphorylation rate (k3a) T4 autophosphorylation rate (k4a) 11/29/2018 Yang Yang, Candidacy Seminar
Reaction Rates Trend Shifting Protein concentrations taken from SPO’s inverse of LT1 MM constant (K1LB-1) inverse of LT2 MM constant (K2LB-1) Protein concentrations taken from Mello-Tu’s LT1 autophosphorylation rate (k1al) LT2 autophosphorylation rate (k2al) 11/29/2018 Yang Yang, Candidacy Seminar
Reaction Rates Trend Shifting Protein concentrations taken from SPO’s inverse of LT3 MM constant (K2LB-1) inverse of LT4 MM constant (K3LB-1) Protein concentrations taken from Mello-Tu’s LT3 autophosphorylation rate (k12) LT4 autophosphorylation rate (k13) 11/29/2018 Yang Yang, Candidacy Seminar
Slices of 3D Surfaces of Parameter Space 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1------------------------11 9 10 11 11/29/2018 Yang Yang, Candidacy Seminar
Slices of 3D Surfaces of Parameter Space 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1----------------------11 9 10 11 11/29/2018 Yang Yang, Candidacy Seminar
T1 autophosphorylation rate (k1a) T1 autophosphorylation rate (k1a) Slices of 3D Surfaces of Parameter Space Comparing Pair-Wise Relationship Inverse of T1 MM constant (K1B-1) Inverse of T1 MM constant (K1R-1) T1 autophosphorylation rate (k1a) T1 autophosphorylation rate (k1a) 11/29/2018 Yang Yang, Candidacy Seminar
E. coli and Bacteria Chemotaxis Increasing attractants or Decreasing repellents 11/29/2018 Yang Yang, Candidacy Seminar